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Modèle : BasicSubscription_Subscription.xml

Dernière modification : mardi 20 avril 2010

S’applique à : SharePoint Server 2010

Le code ci-dessous est un exemple de modèle pour un abonnement de base.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This file defines a cache subscription. A cache subscription tells the BCS Client Runtime what data to populate in the Client Cache. -->
<!-- This file defines a subscription for a single entity, which can be populated by executing a Finder method. -->
<!-- This file points to the information defined in the BDC Model. You may want to reference your BDC Model file when filling the values in this file. -->
<!-- The IsCached attribute is not used in this release. -->
<!-- The default values of RefreshIntervalInMinutes are shown. You can change them to meet your needs. --> 
<Subscription LobSystemInstanceName="EnterLobSystemInstanceNameFromModel" EntityNamespace="EnterEntityNamespaceNameFromModel" EntityName="EnterEntityNameFromModel" Name="EnterUniqueNameForSubscription" View="EnterSpecificFinderNameFromModel" IsCached="true" RefreshIntervalInMinutes="360" xmlns="">
    <Query Name="EnterUniqueNameForQuery" MethodInstanceName="EnterFinderNameFromModel" DefaultDisplayName="EnterDisplayName" RefreshIntervalInMinutes="180" IsCached="true" Enabled="true" />