Partager via


Sets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual void SetPropertyV(
   DISPID dwDispID,
   VARTYPE vtProp,
   va_list argList 


  • dwDispID
    Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be set.

  • vtProp
    Specifies the type of property to be set. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

  • argList
    Pointer to the list of arguments.


Extra parameters for the method or property being invoked can be passeed using the arg_list parameter. If SetProperty encounters an error, an exception is thrown.

The type of exception is determined by the return value of the attempt to set the property or method. If the return value is DISP_E_EXCEPTION, a COleDispatchExcpetion is thrown; otherwise a COleException.


Header: afxocc.h

See Also


COleControlSite Class

Hierarchy Chart


Other Resources

COleControlSite Members