This method adds a program node for each debug engine (DE) specified.
HRESULT AddImplicitProgramNodes(
REFGUID guidLaunchingEngine,
GUID* rgguidSpecificEngines,
DWORD celtSpecificEngines
int AddImplicitProgramNodes(
ref Guid guidLaunchingEngine,
Guid[] rgguidSpecificEngines,
uint celtSpecificEngines
[in] The GUID of a DE that is to be used to launch programs (and is assumed to add its own program nodes).rgguidSpecificEngines
[in] Array of GUIDs of DEs for which program nodes will be added.celtSpecificEngines
[in] The number of GUIDs in the rgguidSpecificEngines array.
Return Value
If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.
Program Nodes will be added for each DE listed in rgguidSpecificEngines—excluding the launching engine (as given in guidLaunchingEngine), which is assumed to add its own program node when it launches a program.