Command Table (.vsct) File for a Data View
The command table (.vsct) file provides custom commands on the data view context menus.
The context menu commands must be defined inside a special set of base menu groups provided in the vsshlids.h and stdidcmd.h files.
This file should be written when a provider wants to specify custom commands for data view nodes. If this file is provided, the data provider must also implement the IVsDataViewCommandProvider support entity to handle the commands.
Menu Groups
A data view is essentially a tree view, which means it contains various object nodes representing data objects, and static nodes representing client-defined nodes, as opposed to objects enumerated in the data source. Any set of these nodes may be selected by the user, and there must be a data view context menu that represents each possible combination of nodes. For each of these context menus, there is an extensible menu group into which a provider can add its own custom commands.
The following sections describe these menu groups. They are defined in guidVSData unless otherwise specified.
Displayed in a context menu when the connection node is selected, in the same group as the New Query command.
Displayed in a context menu when a single object node is selected, for example, a table node called "authors."
Displayed in a context menu when a single static node is selected, for example, a node called "Tables."
Displayed in a context menu when multiple object nodes of the same type are selected, for example, table nodes "authors" and "publishers".
Displayed in a context menu when multiple object nodes of different types are selected, for example, the table node "authors" and the view node "titleview".
Displayed in a context menu when multiple static nodes are selected, for example a node called "Tables" and a node called "Views".
Displayed in a context menu when multiple nodes of any kind are selected, for example, a node called "Views" and a table node "authors".
Displayed in the global Data menu and is available for all nodes.
Displayed in the global Data menu and is available for a small set of nodes.
Displayed in the global Data menu and is available for only specific nodes.