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OleCommandExecutionOption Enumeration

Provides a managed implementation of the OLECMDEXECOPT enumeration, which specifies allowable options to the ExecuteCommand method.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.dll)


Public Enumeration OleCommandExecutionOption
public enum OleCommandExecutionOption
public enum class OleCommandExecutionOption
type OleCommandExecutionOption
public enum OleCommandExecutionOption


Member name Description
DoDefault Either prompts the user for input, or does not, whichever is the default behavior.
DontPromptUser Executes the command without prompting the user. For example, clicking the Print toolbar button causes a document to be immediately printed without user input.
PromptUser Executes the command after obtaining user input.
ShowHelp Shows help for the corresponding command, but does not execute the command.


This is a managed equivalent of the OLECMDEXECOPT enumeration.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data Namespace