Controlling Color, Line Style, and other Shape Properties
Some shape properties such as color can be 'exposed’ – that is, linked to a domain property of the shape. Others have to be controlled directly.
Exposing a property
Some shape properties such as color can be linked to the value of a domain property.
In the DSL Definition, select a shape, connector or diagram class. On its context menu, choose Add Exposed, and then choose the property you want, such as Fill Color.
The shape now has a domain property that you can set in program code or as a user.
Dynamically updating an exposed property
Typically you want to make the exposed property dependent on another property. For example, you might want a shape to turn red whenever a particular domain property is less than zero. To make this dependency, create a rule. For example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams;
namespace ExampleNamespace
// Attribute associates the rule with class:
[RuleOn(typeof(CarShape), FireTime = TimeToFire.TopLevelCommit)]
// The rule is a class derived from one of the abstract rules:
class CarShapeAddRule : AddRule
// Override the abstract method:
public override void ElementAdded(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
CarShape shape = e.ModelElement as CarShape;
Store store = shape.Store;
// Ignore this call if we're currently loading a model:
if (store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.IsSerializing)
Car car = shape.ModelElement as Car;
// Code here propagates change as required - for example:
shape.FillColor = car.Somebool ? System.Drawing.Color.Red : System.Drawing.Color.Green;
// The rule must be registered:
public partial class ExampleDomainModel
protected override Type[] GetCustomDomainModelTypes()
List<Type> types = new List<Type>(base.GetCustomDomainModelTypes());
// If you add more rules, list them here.
return types.ToArray();