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EnumerateNtmsObject Function

[Removable Storage Manager is no longer available as of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.]

The EnumerateNtmsObject function enumerates the RSM objects contained in the lpContainerId parameter.


DWORD EnumerateNtmsObject(
  __in     HANDLE hSession,
  __in     LPNTMS_GUID lpContainerId,
  __out    LPNTMS_GUID lpList,
  __inout  LPDWORD lpdwListSize,
  __in     DWORD dwType,
  __in     DWORD dwOptions


  • hSession [in]
    Handle to the session returned by the OpenNtmsSession function.

  • lpContainerId [in]
    Unique identifier of the RSM object container whose objects are to be enumerated. This parameter can be the GUID of a library, media pool, partition ID, physical media, or logical media. To enumerate all objects of the type specified by the dwType parameter, regardless of the container, set this parameter to NULL. For more information about the object-container relationship, see NtmsObjectsTypes.

  • lpList [out]
    Buffer for the array of libraries, drives, media or other RSM object IDs.

  • lpdwListSize [in, out]
    Pointer to a variable that specifies the maximum number of IDs the function can return through the lpList parameter. At return time, the number of IDs in lpList is returned in lpdwListSize.

  • dwType [in]
    Type of objects to be enumerated in the lpContainerId container. If lpContainerId is NULL, all objects of this type supported by RSM are enumerated. This parameter can be one of the following values from the NtmsObjectsTypes enumeration type.

    Value Meaning


    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Changer types.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL.


    Current computer object.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL.



    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Drive types.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL.



    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Insert/eject ports contained in a library specified by the lpContainerId parameter or all the insert/eject ports supported by RSM if a NULL container ID is supplied.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Library objects. These include the physical library units and the offline library.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL.


    Library active requests (or work items) queued to the library specified by the lpContainerId parameter or all the library work items queued within RSM if a NULL container ID is supplied.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Logical media object. This is a medium allocated to an application that might contain more than one side or piece of physical media.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NUL, a media pool GUID, or a partition GUID.


    Media pool object that contains logical and/or physical media, and configuration parameters to manage them. If NULL is specified as a container ID, only the top-level names are returned.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a media pool GUID.


    Media type object that contains the attributes of a type of medium that is supported by RSM. Enumerating with a NULL will give all possible media types, not just those available on the current server.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


    Operator requests that are on this RSM server.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL.


    Side on a piece of physical media. The piece of physical media can contain multiple physical sides (for example, an optical disk contains two sides).

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL, a logical media GUID, a physical media GUID, or a media pool GUID.


    Item of physical media (a tape, optical disk, CD-ROM, or magnetic cartridge). A piece of physical media can contain multiple physical sides (for example, sides of an optical disk).

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL, a media pool GUID, or a library GUID.


    Media slots contained in a library specified by the lpContainerId parameter or all the storage slots supported by RSM if a NULL container ID is supplied.

    The lpContainerId parameter must be NULL or a library GUID.


  • dwOptions [in]
    Enumeration options. This is applicable only when dwType is NTMS_MEDIA_POOL.

    Value Meaning

    This enumerates the root pool in addition to all other top-level media pools; it is always returned as the first GUID in the list. Enumerating the root pool is only required to get or set the security attributes on the object. dwType must be NTMS_MEDIA_POOL and lpContainerId must be NULL.


    Does not include enumeration of the root pool when enumerating the media pools.


    **Windows XP/2000:  **This parameter is reserved and must be set to zero.

Return Value

This function returns one of the following values.

Value Meaning

The lpdwListSize pointer is missing, or lpContainerId is not a valid container for the object type specified by dwType.


The buffer size specified by lpdwListSize is too small for all the objects found. The function truncates the list and returns the actual size in lpdwListSize.


The session handle is missing or is not valid.


An allocation failure occurred during processing.


The GUID specified by lpContainerId is not the GUID of any container object in the database.


The function was successful. If lpContainerId contains no objects of the type specified by dwType, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS and a lpdwListSize of zero.



Security functions are also available to get and set specific access rights on RSM objects.

If the available number of IDs specified in the lpdwListSize parameter is greater than the current buffer size, lpdwListSize returns the number of IDs required. The application should then allocate a larger buffer and try again.

Since it is possible for IDs to be added by another process, it is possible for a subsequent function with a resized list to get an error indicating that the list is too small.

If the lpContainerId parameter is set to NULL, RSM enumerates top-level objects (such as libraries).

If more than one object is listed, the object may be enumerated from more than one container. The NULL container is the highest-level container and enumerates all objects in a system. For example, you can enumerate media in a particular library or all media in the system.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server

End of client support

Windows Vista

End of server support

Windows Server 2008







See Also

Object Management Functions








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Build date: 6/9/2011