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Direct Manipulation GUIDs

The following Direct Manipulation Class GUIDs are defined in DirectManipulation.idl.

Master class-IDs

GUID Description
54E211B6-3650-4F75-8334-FA359598E1C5 DirectManipulationManager Class. This object provides access to all Direct Manipulation features and APIs available to the application.
79DEA627-A08A-43AC-8EF5-6900B9299126 DCompManipulationCompositor Class. This is an implementation of the IDirectManipulationCompositor that wraps DirectComposition. Through this compositor object DirectManipulation can apply the output by setting transforms directly on the DComp tree.


Secondary content class-IDs

GUID Description
CLSID_VerticalIndicatorContent Vertical Panning Indicator. A visual element that shows your current position in content that extends off-screen vertically.
CLSID_HorizontalIndicatorContent Horizontal Panning Indicator. A visual element that shows your current position in content that extends off-screen horizontally.
CLSID_VirtualViewportContent Virtual Viewport. A virtual viewport can be used to respect fixed position elements for viewports with zoom configured.


Behavior objects class-IDs

GUID Description
CLSID_DragDropConfigurationBehavior Drag & Drop Behavior. Enables items to be selected and dragged.
CLSID_AutoScrollBehavior Autoscroll Behavior. Enables content to automatically scroll as it approaches the boundary of a given axis.
CLSID_DeferContactService Contact deferral behavior. The amount of time (in millliseconds) to wait before calling SetContact.


Direct Manipulation


