IPAM Server WMI Provider Reference
This section contains the classes of the IPAM Server WMI provider.
In this section
CIM_AdminDomain represents a group of systems that are administered as a single entity based on a common user, user group, or policy.
CIM_Collection is an abstract base class that represents a collection of managed elements.
Represents a stateless collection of managed system elements, and their settings.
CIM_Component is a generic association used to establish the parts of a relationship between Managed System Elements.
Represents a collection of protocol endpoints that are of the same class type and can communicate with each other. In addition, CIM_ConnectivityCollection can contain systems, users, and managed elements that are related to the protocol endpoints.
A instantiable unit of work to run, such as a batch or a print job.
The CIM_DatabaseParameter class is an abstract base class used to define database and service configurations that are common across database models and vendor implementations.
The CIM_Error class contains information about the failure of a CIM operation.
Represents a logical element that can be enabled and disabled.
Represents a subnet that contains IP protocol endpoints.
CIM_IPProtocolEndpoint is a protocol endpoint that is dedicated to running Internet Protocol (IP).
A logical element that represents a unit of work to execute, such as a script or a print job. A job is distinct from a process because a job can be scheduled or queued, and its execution is not limited to a single system.
Represents a log entry.
CIM_LogicalElement is a base class for all the components of a System that represent abstract system components, such as Files, Processes, or LogicalDevices.
The CIM_ManagedElement class is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema.
CIM_ManagedSystemElement is the base class for the System Element hierarchy. Any distinguishable component of a System is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples of system components include: - software components such as application servers, databases, and applications - operating system components such as files, processes, and threads - device components such as disk drives, controllers, processors, and printers - physical components such as chips and cards.
The CIM_Product class represents a set of goods or services produced by a supplier as a single unit for a user. A product can include physical elements, software, or services.
CIM_ProtocolEndpoint is a communication point that sends and receives data between system or computer interfaces and logical networks.
Represents an IP address range defined by a start and end address.
Represents a record for a log.
The CIM_ScopedSettingData class is an abstract classed used to define settings data for a managed element.
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint represents the ability to utilize or invoke a Service. Access points represent that a Service is made available for other entities to use.
The CIM_Setting class represents a configuration or an operational parameter for one or more managed system elements.
The CIM_SettingData class represents configuration and operational parameters for CIM_ManagedElement instances.
Represents a feature of a deployed software installation.
CIM_System represents a set of components that function as a single high-level entity.
Represents a collection of objects that are contained within a system.
Manages an IP address in IPAM.
Represents an address space that provides routing between a set of connected networks in IPAM.
Defines an association between a IPAM block and an IPAM address.
Defines an association between an IPAM address and an IPAM range.
Defines an association between an IPAM subnet and an IPAM address.
Represents and IP address block in IPAM.
Defines an association between two IPAM blocks.
Describes a log entry for a configuration event in IPAM.
Represents a custom metadata field in IPAM.
Defines an ordered set of value pairs from two custom metadata fields.
Represents a value of a custom metadata field.
Represents an IPAM database configuration.
Describes a log entry for a DHCP configuration event in IPAM.
DHCP scope object in IPAM.
Represents a DHCP Server.
DHCP Superscope object in IPAM.
Manages a domain of IP address infrastructure servers for IPAM, including the domain's discovery settings. The discovery settings allow IPAM to discover IP address infrastructure servers on the domain.
DNS conditional forwarder object in IPAM.
Represents a DNS server.
Represents an unassigned IP address in IPAM.
Represents a range of unassigned IP addresses in IPAM.
Contains the network ID of the free IPAM subnet.
Defines the utilization thresholds for an IP address range, subnet mask, or block.
Describes a log entry for an IP address audit event in IPAM.
Describes a log entry for a synchronization error between IPAM an external system.
Represents the status of a bulk operation that is performed on an object in IPAM.
Represents an IP address range in IPAM. An IP address range contains the IP addresses that are between the start and end address of the range.
Defines an association between an IPAM block and an IPAM range.
Defines an association between an IPAM range and an IPAM subnet.
Represents an IPAM server.
Represents an installed feature of an IPAM Server installation.
Represents an IPAM server configuration.
Represents a managed infrastructure server in the IPAM server inventory.
Represents a subnet that contains IP protocol endpoints in IPAM.
Defines an association between an IPAM block and an IPAM subnet.
Represents the utilization data in an IPAM database.
Represents a collection of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service hosts.
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