Partager via



Gets the qualified name of the node that the reader is currently positioned on. If no qualified name is available, returns an empty string.


HRESULT GetQualifiedName ([out] const WCHAR ** ppwszQualifiedName, [out] UINT * pcwchQualifiedName);  


The qualified name of the node that the reader is currently positioned on. The returned string is always NULL terminated.

If no qualified name is available, the returned string is empty.

The passed in value must not be NULL.

The size of the string, in characters, is returned.

This value is optional. You can pass NULL for it, and the method will not return a value.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if no error is generated.


This method does not expand namespace prefixes. For example, if the reader is positioned on the element <p:abc />, this method returns the string "p:abc".


The pointer returned by GetQualifiedName is only valid until you move the reader to another node. When you move the reader to another node, XmlLite may reuse the memory referenced by the pointer. Therefore, you should not use the pointer after calling one of the following methods: Read, MoveToNextAttribute, MoveToFirstAttribute, MoveToAttributeByName, or MoveToElement. Although they do not move the reader, the following two methods will also make the pointer invalid: SetInput and IUnknown::Release. If you want to preserve the value that was returned in ppwszQualifiedName, you should make a deep copy.

The following code gets the qualified name of the current node from the reader:

if (FAILED(hr = pReader->GetQualifiedName(&pQName, NULL)))  
    wprintf(L"Error reading element name, error is %08.8lx", hr);  
    return -1;  


Header: XmlLite.h

Library: XmlLite.lib

See Also
