Partager via

responseStream Property (ServerXMLHTTP-IServerXMLHTTPRequest)


Represents the response entity body as an IStream. This stream returns the raw undecoded bytes as received directly from the server. Depending on what the server sent, this can appear as binary-encoded data (UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-4, Shift_JIS, and so on).

Script Syntax

strValue = oXMLHttpRequest.responseStream;  

Visual Basic Syntax

strValue = oXMLHttpRequest.responseStream  

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_responseStream(VARIANT* pvarVal);  


pvarVal [out, retval]
The response entity body as an IStream.

C/C++ Return Values

The value returned if successful.

The value returned if the data is unavailable.


This property represents only one of several forms in which the HTTP response can be returned.


Implemented in:

MSXML 3.0, MSXML 6.0

Applies to


See Also

responseBody Property (ServerXMLHTTPRequest-IServerXMLHTTPRequest)
responseText Property (ServerXMLHTTP-IServerXMLHTTPRequest)
responseXML Property (ServerXMLHTTP-IServerXMLHTTPRequest)