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Creating Cluster Objects with the Failover Cluster Automation Server

[The Failover Cluster Automation Server is available for use in Windows Server 2008. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.]

The following HTML/VBScript example creates an HTML form that allows users to create new resources.

<TITLE>Create Cluster Resource</TITLE>
'  Define globals and open cluster.
    Dim objCluster, objGroup, objResType, objRes
    Dim strResName, strResType, strGroupName
    Dim bSepMon
    Set objCluster = CreateObject("MSCluster.Cluster")
    objCluster.Open ""
    Sub lstGroups_OnClick()
        strGroupName = ResCreate.lstGroups.Value
    End Sub
    Sub lstTypes_OnClick()
        strResType = ResCreate.lstTypes.Value
    End Sub
    Sub chkSepMon_OnClick()
        bSepMon = Not bSepMon
    End Sub
    Sub btnOK_OnClick()
        Dim str
        str = ResCreate.txtGroupName.Value
    '  If the user has entered text in the group name text box,
    '  try to create a new group using this name. Otherwise
    '  the user needs to have selected an existing group
    '  from the select list.
        If Len(str) > 0 Then
            strGroupName = str
            Set objGroup = objCluster.ResourceGroups.CreateItem(strGroupName)
        ElseIf Len(strGroupName) > 0 Then
            Set objGroup = objCluster.ResourceGroups.Item(strGroupName)
            MsgBox("Group name cannot be NULL.")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        strResName = ResCreate.txtResName.Value
        If Len(strResName) > 0 Then
            If bSepMon Then
                Set objRes = objGroup.Resources.CreateItem(strResName, strResType, 1)
                Set objRes = objGroup.Resources.CreateItem(strResName, strResType, 0)
            End If
            MsgBox("Group name cannot be NULL.")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set objRes = Nothing
        Set objGroup = Nothing
        Set objCluster = Nothing
        Document.Navigate "results.html"  ' TODO: create this page!
    End Sub
    Sub btnCancel_OnClick()
        Document.Navigate "cancel.html"   ' TODO: create this page!
    End Sub
<H1>Create Cluster Resource</H1><HR>
<FORM NAME="ResCreate" 
      TITLE="Resource Creation Form">
Add a select list for groups.
    <B>Select group in which to create resource...</B><BR>
    <SELECT ID="lstGroups" SIZE="5">
        For Each objGroup in objCluster.ResourceGroups
            Document.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & Chr(34) & objGroup.Name & Chr(34) & ">" & objGroup.Name & vbCrLf
Add a text box to allow the user to create a new group..
    <B>...or enter new group name:</B><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="txtGroupName" SIZE="40">
Add a select list for resource types.
    <B>Specify resource type:</B><BR>
    <SELECT ID="lstTypes" SIZE="5">
        For Each objResType in objCluster.ResourceTypes
            Document.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & Chr(34) & objResType.Name & Chr(34) & ">" & objResType.Name & vbCrLf
Add "separate monitor" check box.
    <B>Create resource in a separate Resource Monitor:</B>
    <INPUT TYPE="Checkbox" ID="chkSepMon">
Add a text box for the resource name.
    <B>Resource Name:</B>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="txtResName" SIZE="40">
Add "OK"and "Cancel" buttons.
    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" ID="btnOK" VALUE="   OK   ">
    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" ID="btnCancel" VALUE="Cancel">