MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class
Used to administer a Storage Replica.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.
[dynamic, provider("wvrcimprov"), AMENDMENT]
class MSFT_WvrAdminTasks
The MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class has these types of members:
The MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class has these methods.
Method | Description |
ActivateReplicaSet | Assigns replica set IDs and partitions to replication. |
ClearMetadataAll | Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the registry, partition, and system volume information folder. |
ClearMetadataForReplicationGroup | Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the partition, and system volume information folder for a replication group. This operation may result in the restart of the specified computer. |
CompareReplicationVector | Determines whether a destination replication group can connect to a source replication group. |
CreatePartnership | Creates a replication partnership between two existing replication groups. |
CreateStretchPartnership | Creates a replication partnership between two existing replication groups. |
CreateStretchTopology | Creates replication groups and a new replication partnership. |
CreateTopology | Creates replication groups and a new replication partnership. |
DeactivateReplicaSet | Removes a partition from replication. |
ExchangeReplicationGroupId | Exchanges the replication group ID between source and destination replication groups. |
GetGroup | Retrieves a replication group. |
GetGroupFromPartnership | Retrieves a replication group. |
GetNetworkConstraint | Retrieves a replication network constraint for the partnership. |
GetPartnership | Retrieves a replication partnership. |
GetPartnershipFromGroup | Retrieves a replication partnership. |
GetSrAccess | TBD |
GetSrUserAccess | Returns users that have all capabilities required for them to manage Storage Replica on a given computer. |
GetStretchPartnership | Retrieves a replication partnership. |
GrantSrAccess | TBD |
GrantSrUserAccess | Grants the user all capabilities required to manage Storage Replica on a given computer. |
NewSrGroup | Creates a replication group. |
PairRemoteSubsystem | Pairing two computers or clusters for replication. |
ProvisionPartitionsAdd | Adds partition IDs to the partition database. |
ProvisionPartitionsRemove | Removes partition IDs from the partition database. |
QueryCounterInstance | Queries partition related performance counter information. |
QueryPartitionInfo | Queries the partition related information. |
QueryReplicaSet | Returns replica set information for a given replication group. |
QueryReplicationPartners | Returns the partners of a replication group. |
RemoveNetworkConstraint | Removes an existing replication network constraint for the partnership. |
RemovePartnership | Removes an existing replication partnership. |
RemoveSrGroup | Removes a replication group. |
RemoveStretchPartnership | Removes an existing replication partnership. |
RemoveTopology | Removes an existing replication partnership and its associated replication groups. |
RevokeSrAccess | TBD |
RevokeSrUserAccess | Revokes capabilities required for the user to manage Storage Replica on a given computer. |
SetGroupAddVolumes | Adds volumes to an existing replication group. |
SetGroupModifyConfig | Modifies settings on an existing replication group. |
SetGroupRemoveVolumes | Removes volumes from an existing replication group. |
SetNetworkConstraint | Creates a new replication network constraint for the partnership. |
SetPartnershipAddVolumes | Adds source and destination volumes to replication groups in an existing partnership. |
SetPartnershipModifyPartnership | Changes the RPO or log size settings to replication groups in an existing partnership. |
SetPartnershipSetSourcePartnership | Changes the source and destination replication direction between two replication groups. |
SetSecondaryReplicationGroup | Assigns a source to a destination replication group. |
SmapiAddMember | TBD |
SmapiGetPairCluster | TBD |
SmapiPairCluster | TBD |
SmapiQueryPartnerGroupStatus | TBD |
SmapiQueryPartnerPartitions | Retrieves the partner partition information for this replication group. |
SmapiQueryReplicatedPartitions | TBD |
SmapiRemoveMember | TBD |
SmapiUnpairCluster | TBD |
SuspendGroup | Pauses replication for a replication group. |
SyncGroup | Starts or resumes replication for a replication group. |
UnpairRemoteSubsystem | Unpairing two computers or clusters from replication. |
VerifyReplicablePartition | Determines whether a partition can be replicated. |
WvrAddReplica | Adds a volume to an existing replication group. |
WvrAddReplicaById | Adds a volume to an existing replication group and assigns a replica set ID to the volume. |
WvrAddReplicaSet | TBD |
WvrAddVolumePartnerStretchById | TBD |
WvrCheckIfGroupsLogVolumeMatchVolume | Perform a remote cim call to check whether given replication group log volume matches with the volume which is to be removed from a group |
WvrClearOrphanedClusterResources | Removes orphaned Storage Replica cluster resources. |
WvrClearOrphanedLogs | Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica log container for a replication group. If no ReplicationGroupName is specified the operation will be performed at a machine level. |
WvrClearOrphanedPartitionDbRecord | Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica partition database. |
WvrCreateReplicationGroup | Creates a new replication group. |
WvrCreateReplicationPartnership | Creates a new replication partnership between existing replication groups. |
WvrDeleteReplicationGroup | Deletes a replication group. |
WvrGetOrphanedPartitionDbRecords | Retrieves a list of orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica partition database for a replication group. If no ReplicationGroupName is specified the operation will be performed at a machine level. |
WvrGetUserAccess | Performs a CIM call to obtain list of users that have permissions to manage Storage Replica. |
WvrGrantUserAccess | Performs a CIM call to grant the user permissions to manage Storage Replica. |
WvrInitializeReplicationGroup | This routine initializes a newly provisioned replication group. |
WvrModifyReplicationGroup | Modifies the settings in a replication group. |
WvrQueryClusterId | TBD |
WvrQueryReplicationGroupInfo | This routine queries metadata of a replication group. |
WvrRemoveNetworkConstraint | Performs a CIM call to Remove Network Constraint from a partnership. |
WvrRemoveReplica | Removes a volume from an existing replication group. |
WvrRemoveReplicaById | Removes a partition from an existing replication group. |
WvrRemoveReplicaSet | TBD |
WvrRemoveReplicationPartnership | Removes an existing replication partnership. |
WvrRemoveVolumePartnerStretch | TBD |
WvrResumeReplicationGroup | Resumes all network and storage I/O for all replicas in a suspended replication group. |
WvrRevokeUserAccess | Performs a CIM call to revoke the user permissions to manage StorageReplica. |
WvrSetNetworkConstraint | Performs a CIM call to Set new Network Constraint for a partnership. |
WvrSetPrimaryReplicationGroup | TBD |
WvrSuspendReplicationGroup | Suspends all network and storage I/O for all volumes in a replication group. |
Minimum supported client |
None supported |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2016 |
Namespace |
Root\Microsoft\Windows\StorageReplica |