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TransportEncode (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used to encapsulate data with a transport-specific header and a trailer block. If required, the header and trailer block are determined by the OEM and the transport.

BOOL TransportEncode(LPBYTEpbFrame,USHORTcbData);


  • pbFrame
    [in] Pointer to a complete frame.
  • cbData
    [in] Count of the number of bytes that make up the data portion of the frame.

Return Values

If the encoding succeeds, TRUE is returned; otherwise, FALSE is returned.


Given a frame and the size of the data, the OEM will encode the frame to be suitable for the current transport. Assign TransportEncode to the pfnEncode member of KITLTRANSPORT during OEMKitlInit.

The frame is guaranteed to be large enough for the transport header and transport trailer based on the OEM's size requests in the Kitl.FrmHdrSize and Kitl.FrmTlrSize fields of KITLTRANSPORT.

The frame is passed with the data located following the frame header. The OEM simply needs to fill the frame header and trailer, if a trailer is required.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Kitl.h.
Link Library: Kitl.lib.

See Also


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