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Downloading the Boot Loader to the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit (Windows CE 5.0)

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The procedure you use to download the Windows CE boot loader to the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit depends on whether you are doing so for the first time or updating the boot loader. Begin by verifying that the switch and jumper settings are correct, and then follow the appropriate procedure.

Use the procedure for updating the Media Access Control (MAC) address after you have successfully downloaded the Windows CE boot loader.

For more information, see Modifying the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit Switches and Jumpers.

To download the Windows CE boot loader for the first time

  1. Turn off the SMDK2410 using the SW1 switch.

  2. Connect the power supply to the SDB and the LCD display.

  3. Connect one end of the serial cable to the COM1 port on the SMDK2410 and the other end to the COM1 port on your development workstation.

  4. On your host system, configure your terminal emulation software to the following settings:

    Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow control
    115200 8 None 1 None
  5. On the CPU board, connect the Multi-ICE logic analyzer probe to JTAG connector CN2.

  6. Turn on the SMDK2410 using the SW1 switch.

  7. Run the Multi-ICE probe server application.

  8. From the File menu in the Multi-ICE probe server application, choose Load Configuration.

  9. From the File dialog box, choose the 2400.cfg configuration.

  10. Start the ARM Debugger for Windows, and choose Yes when prompted to remote debug.

  11. In the command window, execute the following command:

    ob <drive>:<path>\norom.ini

    Replace <drive> and <path> with the location of the file Norom.ini; for example, ob c:\temp\norm.ini.

    The script displays an error that you can safely ignore.

  12. In the ARM Debugger, from the File menu, choose Open.

  13. In the File dialog box, select 2410test.axf.

    2410test.axf is a flash memory utility provided by Samsung. You can download the sources from the Samsung Electronics Web site.

  14. In the ARM Debugger, from the File menu, choose Get File.

  15. In the File dialog box, change the address to 0x31000000, and then select the Windows CE boot loader image, Eboot.nb0.

    Note   Do not select the Eboot.bin file instead.

  16. To execute the 2410test.axf script, press F5.

    In the terminal emulator window, the script menu appears.

  17. In the terminal emulator window, select option 87: NOR Flash, by typing 87, and then pressing ENTER.

  18. When prompted for the flash memory type, select A for AMD flash.

  19. When prompted whether to download over the UART, choose No.

    You are prompted multiple times after this step. For each prompt, choose the default addresses by pressing ENTER.

    The default addresses are displayed in square brackets: [].

  20. Press ENTER repeatedly until the script indicates it is writing to flash memory.

    After the script finishes writing to flash memory, you are prompted whether you want to continue writing.

  21. Choose Yes, and then repeat the same process until the default address displayed within the square brackets is equal to 0x40000, which is the size of the Windows CE boot loader image.

    At this point, the boot loader image has been written to flash memory.

  22. Turn off the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit, and remove the Multi-ICE probe.

  23. Move the serial cable to the port marked COM2 on the SMDK2410, and change your terminal emulation software to the following settings:

    Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow control
    38400 8 None 1 None
  24. Turn on the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit and verify that you have successfully downloaded the Windows CE boot loader.

    To see the format of the Windows CE boot loader message, see Windows CE Boot Loader Output for the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit.

If you have already downloaded the initial boot loader image in flash memory, you can download boot loader updates to the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit.

To download Windows CE boot loader updates

  1. Turn on the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit.

  2. Download the boot loader image, Eboot.bin, to the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit.

    Note   The Eboot.bin file is different from the Eboot.nb0 file. Make sure you choose Eboot.bin when updating the boot loader image.

  3. Verify that the new boot loader image was successfully written to flash memory by watching the serial output or waiting for LED1 through LED4 to be lit solidly.

  4. After you verify that the boot loader image successfully boots, reboot the system through the terminal emulator program and press the SPACEBAR to halt the boot process and break into the boot loader menu to set the Crystal CS8900 MAC address.

    For information about what the configuration menu looks like, see Windows CE Boot Loader Output for the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit.

To set the MAC address

  1. Press option 4 to restore the boot loader default values.


    Press option 7 to set the MAC address, type the MAC address displayed on the motherboard sticker, and then press ENTER.

  2. Choose D to download the image, which saves the boot loader settings.

See Also

How to Use the BSP for the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit | Downloading the Run-Time Image to the SMDK2410 Samsung MCU Development Kit

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