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Organizing Files Within a Run-time Image (Windows CE 5.0)

There are three ways to organize files in your run-time image:

  • Leave a file in the Windows directory.
  • Place a copy of a file in a new directory.
  • Place a shortcut to a file in a new directory.

At boot time, a run-time image uses the information contained in file system (.dat) files to create organizational structure for the data files in its run-time image. These .dat files enable you to control how an end user of your run-time image finds the files in the run-time image. For more information, see File System File.

By default, data files placed in ROM in a run-time image appear in the Windows directory. The user cannot delete these files because they are stored in ROM.

The .dat file commands provided in the following procedure create a top-level directory called Media Library and two subdirectories within it, Video Files and Video Links.

These commands also copy two files from the Windows directory into these new subdirectories: a large media file and a small link to the same file.

All files and directories created by the .dat file commands exist in RAM after the run-time image boots. A user can delete any of them.

To organize files within a run-time image

  1. In the Workspace window, and select the ParameterView tab.

  2. Expand the root node of the parameters tree, navigate to the Project.dat file, and double-click to open it.

  3. Enter the following code anywhere in Project.dat, substituting file names and extensions as appropriate.

    **Note   **Do not include the angle brackets in your code.

    root:-Directory("Media Library")

Directory("\Media Library"):-Directory("Video Files") Directory("\Media Library"):-Directory("Video Links") Directory("\Media Library\Video Files"):-File("<Displayed File Name>.<extension>", "\Windows&lt;Actual File Name>.<extension>") Directory("\Media Library\Video Links"):-File("<Displayed File Name>.lnk", "\Windows&lt;Actual File Name>.lnk")

  1. Verify that each of the five statements appear as one continuous line in Common.dat.

  2. Save Common.dat.

See Also

How to Add a Media File to a Run-time Image

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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