Bitmap Macros (Compact 2013)
The Wxutil.h header file in the DirectShow base classes provides macros to help convert between VIDEOINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures.
Programming element |
Description |
Compares the masks of two video images. |
Retrieves a pointer to the array of bitmasks for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
Retrieves a pointer to an array of RGBQUAD structures that describes the color palette for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
Calculates the byte size of the specified bitmap |
Retrieves a pointer to the image data from the specified video image. |
Retrieves the sequence header for the specified MPEG-1 video image. |
Checks if the video image's color palette is 8-bit or less. |
Returns the number of colors in the video image's palette. |
Clears the specified video image's bitmasks. |
Clears the specified video image. |
Clears the specified video image's color palette. |
Calculates the size of the EGA (4-bit) color palette. |
Calculates the size of the mask's color palette. |
Calculates the size of the specified MPEG-1 video image. |
Calculates the size of the 8-bit color palette. |
Calculates the byte offset for the video image's bitmap information. |
Calculates the size of the video image. |
Retrieves a pointer to an array of TRUECOLORINFO structures that describes the bitmasks and color palette for the specified VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
These functions are made available to help manage VIDEOINFOHEADER structures, which are used throughout DirectShow to describe video data streams.
Although similar to the BITMAPINFO structure used in Microsoft Win32® and existing multimedia, VIDEOINFOHEADER also adds some new video-specific fields.
Global data |
Description |
bits555 |
Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 555 bitmap. |
bits565 |
Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 565 bitmap. |
bits888 |
Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 24-bit bitmap. |