IrSock Server Application (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
The basic procedure for using IrSock is similar to that for Winsock. IrSock uses only the stream socket connection-oriented communication method.
To create and use a socket with a server application
Open a stream socket with socket. Use AF_IRDA for the address format parameter, SOCK_STREAM for the type and NULL for the protocol parameter.
Bind the service name to the socket with bind. Pass a SOCKADDR_IRDA structure for the address parameter.
Listen for an incoming client connection with listen.
Accept an incoming client with accept.
Close the socket with the closesocket function.
For information about creating a client application, see IrSock Client Application
The following code sample shows how an IrSock server allocates a socket and binds it to the IAS name, "IRServer". Then the IrSock server allocates a single connection object and prepares the server to listen for incoming connections. When the client contacts the server, the server accepts the connection. It then receives a string from the client, passes one back, and closes the connection.
#include <windows.h>
#include <af_irda.h>
int WINAPI WinMain (
HINSTANCE hInstance, // Handle to the current instance
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,// Handle to the previous instance
LPTSTR lpCmdLine, // Pointer to the command line
int nCmdShow) // Show state of the window
SOCKET ServerSock, // IR socket bound to the server
ClientSock; // IR socket bound to the client
SOCKADDR_IRDA address = {AF_IRDA, 0, 0, 0, 0, "IRServer"};
// Specifies the server socket address
int index = 0, // Integer index
iReturn; // Return value of recv function
char szServerA[100]; // ASCII string
TCHAR szServerW[100]; // Unicode string
TCHAR szError[100]; // Error message string
// Create a socket bound to the server.
if ((ServerSock = socket (AF_IRDA, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Allocating socket failed. Error: %d"),
WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
return FALSE;
// Associate the server socket address with the server socket.
if (bind (ServerSock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof (address))
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Binding socket failed. Error: %d"),
WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
closesocket (ServerSock);
return FALSE;
// Establish a socket to listen for incoming connections.
if (listen (ServerSock, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR)
wsprintf (szError,
TEXT("Listening to the client failed. Error: %d"),
WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
closesocket (ServerSock);
return FALSE;
// Accept a connection on the socket.
if ((ClientSock = accept (ServerSock, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Accepting connection with client failed.")
TEXT(" Error: %d"), WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
closesocket (ServerSock);
return FALSE;
// Stop listening for connections from clients.
closesocket (ServerSock);
// Send a string from the server socket to the client socket.
if (send (ClientSock, "To Client!", strlen ("To Client!") + 1, 0)
wsprintf (szError,
TEXT("Sending data to the client failed. Error: %d"),
WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
// Receive data from the client.
iReturn = recv (ClientSock, szServerA, sizeof (szServerA), 0);
// Check if there is any data received. If there is, display it.
if (iReturn == SOCKET_ERROR)
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("No data is received, recv failed.")
TEXT(" Error: %d"), WSAGetLastError ());
MessageBox (NULL, szError, TEXT("Server"), MB_OK);
else if (iReturn == 0)
MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Finished receiving data"), TEXT("Server"),
// Convert the ASCII string to a Unicode string
szServerA[99] = 0;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szServerA, -1,
szServerW, sizeof(szServerW)/sizeof(szServerW[0]));
// Display the string received from the client.
MessageBox (NULL, szServerW, TEXT("Received From Client"), MB_OK);
// Close the client and server sockets.
closesocket (ClientSock);
return 0;
See Also
Creating an Infrared Winsock Application
IrSock Client Application
IrDA Application Development