GESTUREINFO (Compact 2013)
The GESTUREINFO structure contains information about a gesture event. You can use this structure to post an event by using the Gesture function, or you can populate this structure by using the GetGestureInfo function to handle a WM_GESTURE window message.
typedef struct tagGESTUREINFO {
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
HWND hwndTarget;
POINTS ptsLocation;
DWORD dwInstanceID;
DWORD dwSequenceID;
ULONGLONG ullArguments;
UINT cbExtraArguments;
- cbSize
Contains the size of the structure. You must initialize this tosizeof(GESTUREINFO)
before you call GetGestureInfo.
Contains the gesture flags. The following values are valid:Flag
Indicates the start of a gesture.
Indicates that a flick gesture has occurred at the end of a pan gesture.
Indicates the end of a gesture.
Indicates a symmetric gesture (two contact points with identical actions).
Indicates a gesture sent directly to the window procedure.
- If you set both the GF_BEGIN and GF_END flags, then the gesture is noncontinuous and the system sends only a single gesture message.
- If a pan gesture turns into a flick gesture, the last pan gesture message has both GF_INERTIA and GF_END flags set.
These flags are different from the GID_BEGIN and GID_END window messages. GID_BEGIN and GID_END indicate the beginning and end of a gesture group, which can consist of one or more gestures. Each individual gesture has GF_BEGIN and GF_END flags that indicate the start and end of that individual gesture.
- dwID
Contains the ID of a gesture command. For a list of predefined gestures, see Gesture Commands.
- hwndTarget
Contains the handle to the target window that receives the gestures.
- ptsLocation
Points to a POINTS structure that contains the screen coordinates associated with the gesture.
- dwInstanceID
- dwSequenceID
Contains the time stamp of the gesture event. You can use this time stamp to handle the delay between a pan gesture and a corresponding flick gesture.
- ullArguments
Contains additional information associated with the command. The argument values in this field depend on the gesture command. For pans, this field contains the pan movement deltas. For flicks, this field contains the direction, angle and velocity of the flick.
- cbExtraArguments
Contains the size, in bytes, of the extra information about the gesture. If this value is greater than 0 (zero), you can call GetGestureExtraArguments to retrieve the additional information.
Header |
touchgesture.h |
sysgen |