Event Log Registry Settings (Compact 7)
All event log registry keys are under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\EventLog\Channel] and [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\EventLog\Providers].
The following table describes the values for the Channel\ChannelName key.
Value | Type | Description |
ChannelType |
Specifies the channel type. The following table shows possible settings.
Setting Name
DefaultEnable |
Specifies whether the event log is enabled by default. Zero indicates that the channel is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. |
The following table describes the values for the Channel\ChannelName\Logging key.
Value | Type | Description |
AllKeywordhigh |
The high DWORD section of a filtering mechanism for the log (the first 8 hexadecimal digits). MatchesAllKeyword is a 64-bit mask where all the keywords must match; for example, if MatchesAllKeyword is set to 0x2000000000000000, only events with a keyword of 0x2000000000000000 are written to the log. Keywords must be defined in the manifest. |
AllKeywordlow |
The low DWORD section of the MatchesAll filtering mechanism for the log (the last 8 hexadecunak digits of the keyword). If these are not defined, the MatchesAllKeyword mask for the log is set to 0x000000000000000, which is the most inclusive mask for MatchesAllKeyword. |
AnyKeywordhigh |
The high DWORD section of the second filtering mechanism for the log. MatchesAnyKeyword is a 64-bit mask where all the keywords must match; for example, if MatchesAnyKeyword is set to 0x1110000000000000, events with keywords of 0x1000000000000000, 0x0100000000000000, and 0x0010000000000000 are written to the log. |
AnyKeywordlow |
The low DWORD section of the second filtering mechanism for the log. |
Latency |
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between receiving an event and writing the event to the log. The minimum and default value is 0x2. |
Level |
Specifies the level of severity of events that are logged. |
maxSize |
Specifies the maximum size of the log file. |
minSize |
Specifies the minimum size of the log file. |
The following table describes the values for the Channel\ChannelName\Publishing key.
Value | Type | Description |
minBuffers |
Not used. |
maxBuffers |
Maximum size of the in-buffer channel. This is currently used as the default value. |
Latency |
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between receiving an event and writing the event to the log. The minimum and default value is 0x2. |
ClockType |
Specifies whether to use the system clock or another clock. |
The following table describes the values for the Providers\ProviderName\Channels key.
Value | Type | Description |
ChannelName |
MULTI_SZ REG_SZ is also accepted. |
Specifies the channel name for a provider. |