Add the Data Provider's Supporting Files to your Application Subproject (Compact 7)
To connect to a data provider, you include the header (.h) files and library (.lib) files that the provider uses to represent its data.
The header files to include, and the order in which you define the #include statements, are specific to the functionality of your data provider.
For example, for a CEMAPI email message application, follow these steps to add the supporting files to your application subproject.
To add a CEMAPI .h file to a Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools subproject
In Platform Builder, open the application subproject that you created in Create the Expression Blend Project and the Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools Subproject.
In MainPage.cpp, add #include "mapidefs.h" immediately following the #include "stdafx.h" statement.
Repeat step 2 for any other source code file in which you will use CEMAPI programming elements combined with Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded programming elements.
To link the CEMAPI .lib file to a Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools subproject
In the Solution Explorer in Platform Builder, right-click the subproject, and then select Properties.
Click Link.
In the Additional Libraries text box, append the following text to the text string, and then click OK:
After you append the text, the contents of the text box are as follows:
$(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT)\sdk\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\coredll.lib $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT)\sdk\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\xamlruntime.lib $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT)\sdk\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\oleaut32.lib $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT)\sdk\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\cemapi.lib
After you add the required .h and .lib files, you are ready to start adding functionality that responds to notifications that the data provider sends when it updates its data.