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Run-time Library Reference (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE

This section contains the alphabetical list of the C run-time functions supported by Windows CE.

Routine Use
__isascii, iswascii Determines if character is ASCII.
_alloca Allocates memory from stack.
_cabs Finds absolute value of complex number.
_chgsign Reverses sign of double-precision floating-point argument.
_copysign Returns one value with sign of another.
_ecvt Converts double to string of specified length.
_ecvt Converts double to character string of specified length.
_fcvt Converts double to string with specified number of digits following decimal point.
_fcvt Converts double to string with specified number of digits following decimal point.
_fileno Gets file handle associated with stream.
_finite Determines whether given double-precision floating-point value is finite.
_flushall Flushes all streams to buffer or storage device.
_fpclass Returns status word containing information on floating-point class.
_fpieee_flt Invokes user-defined trap handler for IEEE floating-point exceptions.
_fpreset Reinitializes floating-point math package.
_gcvt Converts double number to string; store string in buffer.
_gcvt Converts floating-point value to character string.
_hypot Calculates hypotenuse of right triangle.
_isctype, iswctype Determines if character is a property specified by parameter.
_isnan Checks given double-precision floating-point value for not a number (NaN).
_itoa, _itow Converts int to string.
_j0, _j1, _jn Calculates Bessel functions _j0, _j1, and _jn.
_logb Extracts exponential value of double-precision floating-point argument.
_lrotl, _lrotr Shifts unsigned long int left (_lrotl) or right (_lrotr).
_ltoa, _ltow Converts long to string.
_memccpy Copy characters from one buffer to another until given character or given number of characters has been copied.
_memicmp Compare specified number of characters from two buffers without regard to case.
_msize Returns size of allocated block.
_nextafter Returns next representable neighbor.
_rotl, _rotr Shifts unsigned int left (_rotl) or right (_rotr).
_scalb Scales argument by power of 2.
_setmode Sets file translation mode.
_snprintf Writes formatted data of specified length to string.
_statusfp Gets floating-point status word.
_strdup, _wcsdup Duplicates string.
_stricmp, _wcsicmp Compares two strings without regard to case.
_strlwr, _wcslwr Converts string to lowercase.
_strnicmp, _wcsnicmp Compares characters of two strings without regard to case.
_strnset, _wcsnset Sets first n characters of string to specified character.
_strrev, _wcsrev Reverses string.
_strset, _wcsset Sets all characters of string to specified character.
_strupr, _wcsupr Converts string to uppercase.
_swab Swap bytes of data and store them at specified location.
_ultoa, _ultow Converts unsigned long to string.
_vsnprintf, _vsnwprintf Writes formatted data of specified length to buffer.
_wfdopen Associates a stream with a file opened for low-level IO.
_wfreopen Reassigns a file pointer.
_wtoi Converts wide-character string to integer.
_y0, _y1, _yn Calculates Bessel functions _yo, _y1, and _yn.
abs Finds absolute value of integer.
abs Returns absolute value of int.
acos Calculates arccosine.
asin Calculates arcsine.
atan, atan2 Calculates arctangent.
atof Converts string to float.
atof Converts character string to double-precision floating-point value.
atoi Converts string to int.
atol, wtol Converts string to long.
calloc Allocates storage for array, initializing every byte in allocated block to 0.
ceil Finds integer ceiling.
clearerr Clears error.
clearerr Clears error indicator for stream.
cosh Calculates hyperbolic cosine.
cos Calculates cosine.
div Divides one integer by another, returning quotient and remainder.
exp Calculates exponential function.
fabs Finds absolute value.
fclose, _fcloseall Closes stream.
feof Tests for end of file on stream.
ferror Tests for error on stream.
fflush Flushes stream to buffer or storage device.
fgetc, fgetwc Reads character from stream.
fgetpos Gets position indicator of stream.
fgets, fgetws Reads string from stream.
floor Finds largest integer less than or equal to argument.
fmod Finds floating-point remainder.
fopen, _wfopen Opens stream.
fprintf, fwprintf Writes formatted data to stream.
fputc, fputwc Writes a character to a stream.
fputs, fputws Writes string to stream.
fread Reads unformatted data from stream.
free Frees allocated block.
frexp Calculates exponential value.
fscanf, fwscanf Reads formatted data from stream.
fseek Moves file position to given location.
fsetpos Sets position indicator of stream.
ftell Gets current file position.
fwrite Writes unformatted data items to stream.
getchar, getwchar Reads character from stdin.
gets, _getws Reads line from stdin.
isalnum, iswalnum Determines if character is alphanumeric.
isalpha, iswalpha Determines if character is alphabetic.
iscntrl, iswcntrl Determines if character is a control.
isdigit, iswdigit Determines if character is a decimal digit.
isgraph, iswgraph Determines if character is printable, other than space.
islower, iswlower Determines if character is lowercase.
isprint, iswprint Determines if character is printable.
ispunct, iswpunct Determines if character is punctuation.
isspace, iswspace Determines if character is white-space.
isupper, iswupper Determines if character is uppercase.
isxdigit, iswxdigit Determines if character is a hexadecimal digit.
labs Finds absolute value of long integer.
labs Returns absolute value of long.
ldexp Calculates product of argument and 2 to specified power.
ldiv Divides one long integer by another, returning quotient and remainder.
log, log10 Calculates logarithm.
longjmp Restores saved stack environment; uses it to execute a non-local goto.
malloc Allocates block of memory from heap.
memchr, wmemchr Return pointer to first occurrence, within specified number of characters, of given character in buffer.
memcmp, wmemcmp Compare specified number of characters from two buffers.
memcpy, wmemcpy Copy specified number of characters from one buffer to another.
memmove Copy specified number of characters from one buffer to another.
memset, wmemset Use given character to initialize specified number of bytes in the buffer.
modf Splits argument into integer and fractional parts.
pow Calculates value raised to a power.
printf, wprintf Writes formatted data to stdout.
putchar, putwchar Writes character to stdout.
puts, _putws Writes line to stream.
qsort Quick sorts.
rand Gets pseudorandom number.
realloc Reallocates block to new size.
scanf, wscanf Reads formatted data from stdin.
setjmp Saves stack environment; uses it to execute nonlocal goto.
sinh Calculates hyperbolic sine.
sin Calculates sine.
sprintf, swprintf Writes formatted data to string.
sprintf, swprintf Writes formatted data to a string.
sqrt Finds square root.
srand Initializes pseudorandom series.
sscanf, swscanf Reads formatted data from string.
strcat, wcscat Appends one string to another.
strchr, wcschr Finds first occurrence of specified character in string.
strcmp, wcscmp Compares two strings.
strcpy, wcscpy Copies one string to another.
strcspn, wcscspn Finds first occurrence of character from specified character set in string.
strlen, wcslen Finds length of string.
strncat, wcsncat Appends characters of string.
strncmp, wcsncmp Compares characters of two strings.
strncpy, wcsncpy Copies characters of one string to another.
strpbrk, wcspbrk Finds first occurrence of character from one string in another string.
strrchr, wcsrchr Finds last occurrence of given character in string.
strspn, wcsspn Finds first substring from one string in another string.
strstr, wcsstr Finds first occurrence of specified string in another string.
strtod, wcstod Converts string to double.
strtod, wcstod Converts to double-precision value.
strtod Converts character string to double-precision value.
strtok, wcstok Finds next token in string.
strtol, wcstol Converts string to long integer.
strtol, wcstol Converts to long integer value.
strtoul, wcstoul Converts string to unsigned long integer.
strtoul, wcstoul Converts to unsigned long integer value.
tanh Calculates hyperbolic tangent.
tan Calculates tangent.
towlower Tests character and converts to lowercase if currently uppercase.
towupper Tests character and converts to uppercase if currently lowercase.
ungetc, ungetwc Pushes character back onto stream.
vfprintf, vfwprintf Writes formatted data to stream.
vprintf, vwprintf Writes formatted data to stdout.
vsprintf, vswprintf Writes formatted data to buffer.
wcstombs Converts wide character to corresponding multi-byte character.

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