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Remote Tool Connectivity (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Windows CE remote tools use a communications technology called Platform Manager to manage communication between a development workstation and a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device. Platform Manager allows remote tools to download and connect to a target device in a media-independent manner. Remote tools, Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++® 4.0 and later, and the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework use Platform Manager to download files such as applications, Microsoft ActiveX® controls, run times, and remote-tool clients to a target device.

Platform Manager supports application-level connectivity between an application on a development workstation and a target device. For more information, see Application Connectivity.

Platform Manager has two parts: the device side, which resides on the target device, and the host side, which resides on the development workstation. The device side of Platform Manager includes the device-side files for the transport layer. A tool on the development workstation can use the device side of Platform Manager to communicate with the target device through the appropriate hardware connection from the development workstation.

The host side of Platform Manager is installed at <DRIVE:\>Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows CE Tools\Platman.

Note   The Core Connectivity Infrastructure replaces Platform Manager for all core connectivity needs other than remote tools. Do not use the Platform Manager API except in existing code that does not need to be compatible with future releases of Windows CE. For more information about Core Connectivity, see Core Connectivity Infrastructure.

See Also

Remote Tools | Remote Tool Development

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