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phoneNegotiateAPIVersion (Windows CE 5.0)

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This allows an application to negotiate an API version to use for the specified phone device.

LONG WINAPI phoneNegotiateAPIVersion(HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp,DWORD dwDeviceID,DWORD dwAPILowVersion,DWORD dwAPIHighVersion,LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion,LPPHONEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID);


  • hPhoneApp
    Handle to the application's registration with TAPI.
  • dwDeviceID
    Phone device to be queried.
  • dwAPILowVersion
    Least recent API version the application is compliant with. The high-order word is the major version number, the low-order word is the minor version number.
  • dwAPIHighVersion
    Most recent API version the application is compliant with. The high-order word is the major version number, the low-order word is the minor version number.
  • lpdwAPIVersion
    Pointer to a DWORD in which the API version number that was negotiated will be returned. If negotiation succeeds, this number is in the range dwAPILowVersion to dwAPIHighVersion.
  • lpExtensionID
    Pointer to a structure of type PHONEEXTENSIONID. If the service provider for the specified dwDeviceID parameter supports provider-specific extensions, this structure is filled with the extension identifier of these extensions when negotiation succeeds. This structure contains all zeros if the line provides no extensions. An application can ignore the returned parameter if it does not use extensions.

Return Values

Returns zero if the request succeeds or a negative error number if an error occurs. The following table shows the return values for this function.

Value Description
PHONEERR_INVALAPPHANDLE The handle to the application's registration with TAPI is invalid.
PHONEERR_BADDEVICEID The device identifier is incorrect.
PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL The operation is unavailable.
PHONEERR_NODRIVER The driver was not found.
PHONEERR_NOMEM Not enough memory is available.
PHONEERR_INVALPOINTER A pointer is invalid.
PHONEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL The resources are unavailable.
PHONEERR_UNINITIALIZED A parameter is uninitialized.
PHONEERR_NODEVICE The device was not found.


The phoneNegotiateAPIVersion function is used to negotiate the API version number to use with the specified phone device. It returns the extension identifier supported by the phone device, or zeros if no extensions are provided.

If the application wants to use the extensions defined by the returned extension identifier, it must call the phoneNegotiateExtVersion function to negotiate the extension version to use.

Use the phoneInitializeEx function to determine the number of phone devices present in the system. The device identifier specified by dwDeviceID varies from zero to one less than the number of phone devices present.

The API version number negotiated is that under which TAPI can operate. If version ranges do not overlap, the application, API, or service-provider versions are incompatible and an error is returned.

Note   This function is for TAPI version 2.0 and later.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

phoneInitializeEx | phoneNegotiateExtVersion

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