Customizing Window Controls
You can customize the window controls when you create a skin. To customize a window control, change the code contained in the files that are located in the appropriate subdirectory of the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Skinnableui\Gwe directory. Each control corresponds to a C++ class. You customize the UI by changing the implementation of the methods that these classes contain.
The following table shows the window controls that you can customize, the name of the class that contains the methods that you must implement to customize the control, the subdirectory and file that contains the implementation of those methods, and which elements of the control can be customized.
Window control | Class | Subdirectory and file name | Customizable element |
Button | ButtonView_t | Btnctl\Buttonview.cpp | State and style of push buttons.
Text in a group box. Code used to paint a group box. Text or focus rectangle of a button. Initialization of the device context for drawing a button. Code used to hit test a button, which is the process of detecting whether the user clicked the mouse or tapped the stylus within the rectangle for a button. Code used to draw radio buttons, check boxes, and buttons. |
Combo box | ComboBoxView_t | Cmbctl\Comboboxview.cpp | Style of the border of the combo box.
Focus rectangle around an item in the list box portion of the combo box. The y-coordinate of the top of the bounding rectangle for the combo box. |
List box | ListBoxView_t | Lbctlview\Listboxview.cpp | Height of items in the list box.
Focus rectangle around an item in the list box. The y-coordinate at which the text of an item in the list box should be drawn. |
Scroll bar | ScrollBarView_t | Sbcmn\Sbcmnview.cpp | Rectangles used to draw and hit test the scroll bar.
Code for retrieving the top thumb coordinate for a vertical scrollbar and the left thumb coordinate for a horizontal scrollbar. Code for determining where a specified point is located within a scroll bar. Code for determining where to position and draw the scroll thumb for a specified point. Code for drawing the scroll bar. |
Static control | StaticControlView_t | Stcctl\Statctlview.cpp | Image for the static control.
Formatting of the text for the static control. |
See Also
Working with Window Controls | Creating a Skin
Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005
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