IHTMLWindow2 interface
This interface provides access to the window object, which represents an open window in the browser.
The IHTMLWindow2 interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IHTMLWindow2 also has these types of members:
- Methods
- Properties
The IHTMLWindow2 interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
alert | Displays a dialog box containing an application-defined message. This method is not supported for Windows apps using JavaScript. |
blur | Causes the element to lose focus and fires the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onblur event. |
clearInterval | Cancels the interval previously started using the IHTMLWindow2::setInterval method. |
clearTimeout | Cancels a time-out that was set with the IHTMLWindow2::setTimeout method. |
close | Closes the current browser window or HTA. Closes the app without prompting the user. To the user, it appears as though the app has crashed. |
confirm | Displays a confirmation dialog box that contains an optional message as well as OK and Cancel buttons. This method is not supported for Windows apps using JavaScript. |
execScript |
Note IHTMLWindow2::execScript is no longer supported. Starting with IE11, use eval. For info, see Compatibility changes.
Executes the specified script in the provided language. |
focus | Causes the element to receive the focus and executes the code specified by the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onfocus event. |
item | |
moveBy | Moves the screen position of the window by the specified x and y offset values. |
moveTo | Moves the screen position of the upper-left corner of the window to the specified x and y position. |
navigate | Loads the specified URL to the current window. |
open | Opens a new window and loads the document specified by a given URL. Navigates the app window to the specified location. |
prompt | Displays a dialog box that prompts the user with a message and an input field. |
resizeBy | Changes the current size of the window by the specified x- and y-offset. |
resizeTo | Sets the size of the window to the specified width and height values. |
scroll | Causes the window to scroll to the specified x- and y-offset at the upper-left corner of the window. |
scrollBy | Causes the window to scroll relative to the current scrolled position by the specified x- and y-pixel offset. |
scrollTo | Scrolls the window to the specified x- and y-offset. |
setInterval | Evaluates an expression each time a specified number of milliseconds has elapsed. |
setTimeout | Evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds has elapsed. |
showHelp | Displays a Help file. This method can be used with Microsoft HTML Help. |
showModalDialog | Creates a modal dialog box that displays the specified HTML document. |
The IHTMLWindow2 interface has these properties.
Property | Description |
Retrieves whether the referenced window is closed. |
Sets or retrieves the default message displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window. |
Sets or retrieves the number of objects in a collection. |
Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the window name. |
Sets or retrieves whether objects are drawn offscreen before being made visible to the user. |
Sets or retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onblur event. |
Sets or retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onfocus event. |
Sets or retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onload event. The HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onload event occurs immediately after the browser loads the object. |
Sets or retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onresize event. |
Sets or retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onscroll event. |
Sets or retrieves a reference to the window that created the current window. |
Retrieves the parent of the window in the object hierarchy. |
Retrieves a reference to the current window or frame. |
Sets or retrieves the message in the status bar at the bottom of the window. |
Retrieves the topmost ancestor window. |
The window object is used to retrieve information about the state of the window. It also is used to gain access to the document in the window, to the events that occur in the window, and to features of the browser that affect the window.
Typically, the browser creates one window object when it opens an HTML document. However, if a document defines one or more frames—that is, contains one or more frame or iframe tags—the browser creates one window object for the original document and one additional window object for each frame.
These additional objects are child windows of the original window and can be affected by actions that occur in the original. For example, closing the original window causes all child windows to close. You can also create new windows and corresponding window objects by using methods such as IHTMLWindow2::open and IHTMLWindow2::showModalDialog.
This interface may also be referred to in code as IOmWindow2.
Minimum supported client |
Windows XP |
Minimum supported server |
Windows 2000 Server |
Header |
Mshtml.h |
Mshtml.idl |
Mshtml.dll |
See also