FindBehavior method
Requests that the specified Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior be instantiated.
HRESULT retVal = object.FindBehavior(bstrBehavior, bstrBehaviorUrl, pSite, ppBehavior);
bstrBehavior [in]
Type: BSTRA string that specifies the name of the requested behavior.
bstrBehaviorUrl [in]
Type: BSTRA string that specifies the URL of the requested behavior.
pSite [in]
Type: IElementBehaviorSiteA pointer to the host's IElementBehaviorSite interface.
ppBehavior [out, retval]
Type: IElementBehaviorA pointer that returns the IElementBehavior interface.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
After the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior is instantiated, MSHTML calls the IElementBehavior::Init method.
Specify the case of the bstrBehavior parameter to be all caps when you use this method with element behaviors; for attached behaviors, specify the bstrBehavior parameter in lowercase. Because the bstrBehavior parameter has a specific case based on the type of behavior, you must take precautions when this parameter is used in a string comparison: either the case of the string should be forced, or a case–insensitive comparison should be used.