t:AUDIO Element | audio Object
This topic documents a feature of HTML+TIME 2.0, which is obsolete as of Windows Internet Explorer 9.
Defines a timed audio element in an HTML document.
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the audio object.
Attribute Property Description abstract Gets a description of the media file.
ACCELERATE accelerate Sets or gets a value that applies an acceleration to an element timeline.
author Gets the name of the media file author.
AUTOREVERSE autoReverse Sets or gets whether the timeline on an element begins playing in reverse immediately after it completes in the forward direction.
BEGIN begin Sets or gets the delay time before the timeline begins playing on the element.
boundary Sets when music should begin to play by using Microsoft DirectMusic.
bufferingProgress Gets a value that indicates the current percent of buffering completed.
canPause Gets a value that indicates whether the media file can be paused.
canSeek Gets a value that indicates whether the media file is capable of locating a specific time in the media's duration.
CLIPBEGIN clipBegin Sets or gets the beginning point of a sub-clip of a continuous media object.
CLIPEND clipEnd Sets or Gets the end point of a sub-clip of a continuous media object.
copyright Gets the copyright information associated with a media file.
currentFrame Gets a value that indicates the currentFrame of the object.
DECELERATE decelerate Sets or gets a value that applies a deceleration to the end of a simple duration.
downloadCurrent Gets a value that indicates the current number of bytes downloaded from streaming content.
downloadProgress Gets a value that indicates the current percent of download completed.
downloadTotal Gets a value that indicates the total size (in bytes) of the downloaded file.
DUR dur Sets or gets a value indicating the amount of time the element remains active or displayed.
earliestMediaTime Gets a value that indicates the earliest time for efficient seeking.
END end Sets or gets a value indicating the end time for the element, or the end of the simple duration when the element is set to repeat.
FILL fill Sets or gets the action taken by an element if the element timeline ends before the timeline on its parent element ends.
hasAudio Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the media contains audio.
hasDownloadProgress Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a media file has started to download.
hasMedia Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is an Introduction to HTML+TIME media element.
hasPlayList Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element has a playList collection.
hasVisual Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element can draw on the screen.
immediateEnd Sets a value that indicates whether a DirectMusic segment ends immediately or plays a transition before ending.
isStreamed Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the source of the media object is streamed.
Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the source of the media object is streamed.latestMediaTime Gets a value that indicates the latest time for efficient seeking.
longTransition Sets whether to allow introduction and ending transitions longer than one bar with DirectMusic.
mediaDur Gets the duration of the element's media file.
mediaHeight Gets the height of the element.
mediaWidth Gets the width of the element.
mimeType Gets the MIME type of the object.
modulate Sets whether to attempt to modulate between keys when playing transitions with DirectMusic.
motifName Sets the name of the DirectMusic motif to play.
MUTE mute Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the audio is turned on or off.
PLAYER player Sets or gets the object used to render the media associated with this element.
playerObject Gets the object that plays media files.
rating Gets the rating of the media file.
REPEATCOUNT repeatCount Sets or gets the number of times an element timeline repeats. REPEATDUR repeatDur Sets or gets the number of seconds that an element timeline repeats.
Sets or gets the number of seconds that an element timeline repeats.RESTART restart Sets or gets the conditions under which an element can be restarted on a timeline.
segmentType Sets whether to play a DirectMusic segment as a controlling segment or a secondary segment.
SPEED speed Sets or gets the playback speed of an element relative to its parent time container.
SRC src Sets or gets the source URL of the media.
SYNCBEHAVIOR syncBehavior Sets or gets a value that indicates the synchronization rules for the element timeline.
SYNCMASTER syncMaster Sets or gets whether the time container must synchronize playback to this element.
syncTolerance Sets or gets the time variance that is allowed on a timeline with locked synchronization.
systemBitrate Gets the approximate bandwidth available to the system in bits-per-second.
systemCaptions Indicates whether to display a text equivalent of the audio portion of the presentation.
systemLanguage Indicates whether a given language is selected in a user's system preferences.
systemOverdubOrSubtitle Specifies whether overdubs or subtitles render during a presentation.
TIMEACTION timeAction Sets or gets the action that is taken on the element while the timeline is active.
TIMECONTAINER timeContainer Sets or gets the type of timeline associated with an element.
timeParent Gets the parent time container element of the current element.
title Gets the title of the media file.
TRANSITIONTYPE Sets or gets the type of DirectMusic transition to use between segments.
TYPE type Sets or gets the MIME type of the media object referenced by the SRC attribute.
UPDATEMODE updateMode Sets or gets a value that indicates how the object is to be updated.
Sets or gets a value that indicates how the object is to be updated.URL Gets the URL specified by the Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) file script command after the onURLFlip event is fired.
Gets the URL specified by the ASF file script command after the onURLFlip event is fired.VOLUME volume Sets or gets the volume of the media file.
Collection Description playList Retrieves a collection of playItem objects.
Event Property Description onbegin Fires when the timeline starts on an element.
onend Fires when the timeline stops on an element.
onmediacomplete Fires when the element's associated media finish loading.
Fires when the element's associated media finish loading.onmediaerror Fires when an element's media file causes any error.
onoutofsync Fires when the element loses synchronization with its associated timeline.
onpause Fires when the timeline on an element pauses.
onrepeat Fires when the timeline repeats on an element, beginning with the second iteration.
onreset Fires when the timeline reaches the value of the BEGIN attribute or when the resetElement method is called on the element.
onresume Fires when an element's timeline resumes from a paused state.
onreverse Fires when the timeline on an element begins to play backward.
onseek Fires whenever a seek operation is performed on the element.
onsyncrestored Fires when synchronization is resumed between the element and its associated timeline.
ontrackchange The event fires when a track changes in a playList defined in an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file.
onURLFlip This event fires when an ASF file, played by a HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) media tag, processes script commands embedded in the ASF file.
Method Description activeTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the parent timeline.
activeTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the segment timeline.
beginElement Starts the element on the timeline.
beginElementAt Starts an element's timeline at the specified time.
documentTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the document timeline to the corresponding point in the element's parent timeline.
endElement Stops the element on the timeline.
endElementAt Ends an element's timeline at the specified time.
parentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the parent timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.
parentTimeToDocumentTime Converts a value in the element's parent timeline to the corresponding point in the document timeline.
pauseElement Stops playing an element's timeline at the current point.
resetElement Removes any changes made to the element and returns the element to its original state.
resumeElement Restarts the element's timeline from a paused state.
seekActiveTime Locates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point.
Locates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point.seekSegmentTime Locates the specified point on the element's segment timeline, and begins playing from that point.
seekTo Locates a specified point on the element's segment timeline, including repetitions, and begins playing from that point.
seekToFrame Locates a specified frame in the object.
segmentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.
segmentTimeToSimpleTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's simple timeline.
simpleTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's simple timeline to the corresponding point in the element's segment timeline.
Object Description currTimeState Contains information about an HTML+TIME timeline.
Although different media-based elements exist, there is no functional difference in their current implementation. However, you are encouraged to use elements such as t:ANIMATION, t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, t:REF, and t:VIDEO for improved document readability and enhanced support.
The prefix
is used to associate this element with an XML namespace. You must declare the XML namespace in the html tag of your document when using this element.<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
You must then import the tag definitions from the time2 behavior by using the IMPORT processing instruction.
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
The members listed in the following table might not be accessible through scripting until the window. onload event fires. Waiting for this event to fire ensures that the document is completely loaded, that all behaviors have been applied to corresponding elements on the document , and that all the behavior's properties, methods, and events are available for scripting. Using any of the behavior-defined members before the window. onload event fires could result in a scripting error, indicating that the object does not support that particular member.
Media elements with timed children should have their TIMECONTAINER attribute set to
for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 2.0 compatibility. Currently, media elements such as t:ANIMATION, t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, t:REF, and t:VIDEO do not treat their child elements as parallel but the SMIL 2.0 specification says that media elements with timed children should be parallel. Setting this value now may prevent incompatibilities.This element is not rendered.
This element requires a closing tag.
See Also
Introduction to DHTML Behaviors, Introduction to HTML+TIME, time2, Using DHTML Behaviors