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IRemoteDebugApplicationEx Interface

Represents a running application. It does not need to correspond to an operating system process. Typically, a debugger targets an application for debugging. The Process Debug Manager typically implements the application object.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IRemoteDebugApplicationEx interface exposes the following methods.

Methods in Vtable Order

Method Description
IRemoteDebugApplicationEx:GetHostPid Returns the process ID for the host application.
GetHostMachineName Returns the name of the computer that the host application is running on.
IRemoteDebugApplicationEx:SetLocale Sets the language for the debugger localization.
IRemoteDebugApplicationEx:ForceStepMode Forces the debugger into single-step mode.
IRemoteDebugApplicationEx:RevokeBreak Revokes a break command.
SetProxyBlanketAndAddRef Updates COM security information on a proxy for a debugger object to ensure compatibility with remote debugging from Windows 95-based operating systems.
ReleaseFromSetProxyBlanket Releases AddRef from SetProxyBlanketAndAddRef.