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NMake Property Page


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The latest version of this topic can be found at NMake Property Page.

The NMake property page lets you specify build settings for NMake projects.

For more information about NMake projects, see Creating a Makefile Project.

The NMake property page contains the following properties.

UIElement List

Build Command Line
Specifies the command to be run when Build is clicked on the Build menu.

Rebuild All Command Line
Specifies the command to be run when Rebuild All is clicked on the Build menu.

Clean Command Line
Specifies the command to be run when Clean is clicked on the Build menu.

Specifies the name of the file that will contain the output for the command line. By default, this file name is based on the project name.

Preprocessor Definitions
Specifies any preprocessor definitions that the source files use. The default value is determined by the current platform and configuration.

Include Search Path
Specifies the directories where the compiler searches for include files.

Forced Includes
Specifies files that the preprocessor automatically processes even if they are not included in the project files.

Assembly Search Path
Specifies the directories where the .NET Framework searches when it trys to resolve .NET assemblies.

Forced Using Assemblies
Specifies assemblies that the .NET Framework automatically processes.

Additional Options
Specifies any additional compiler switches for IntelliSense to use when it parses C++ files.

For information about how to access the NMake property page, see How to: Specify Project Properties with Property Pages.

For information about how to programmatically access members of this object, see VCNMakeTool.

See Also

Property Pages
How to: Enable IntelliSense for Makefile Projects