Create an Azure Virtual Network Manager and sample VNETs

This sample demonstrates using Bicep to deploy Azure Virtual Network Manager and example Virtual Networks with different connectivity topology and network group membership types. Use deployment parameters to specify the type of configuration to deploy.

In order to support deploying Azure Policy for dynamic group membership, this sample is designed to deploy at the subscription scope. However, this is not a requirement for Azure Virtual Network Manager if using static group membership.

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Solution deployment parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
location string Deployment location. Location must support availability zones. eastus
resourceGroupName string The name of the resource group where AVMN will be deployed rg-avnm-sample
connectivityTopology string Defines how spokes will connect to each other and how spokes will connect the hub. Valid values: "mesh", "hubAndSpoke", "meshWithHubAndSpoke" meshWithHubAndSpoke
networkGroupMembershipType string Connectivity group membership type. static

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