Exporter des rubriques créées dans Viva Engage avec PowerShell
Topics sera mis hors service le 22 février 2025. En savoir plus sur les modifications apportées à Topics.
À l’aide de PowerShell, vous pouvez exporter des rubriques créées dans Viva Engage (également appelées Lite Topics) vers un fichier .csv. Topics créées avant l’activation de l’intégration avec Viva Engage sont incluses.
Cet article suppose que vous avez des connaissances sur l’utilisation de PowerShell.
Configuration requise
Pour exporter les rubriques, vous exécutez un script PowerShell. Les conditions requises pour exécuter le script sont les suivantes :
- PowerShell 7 ou version ultérieure. Pour installer la dernière version de PowerShell, accédez à Installation de PowerShell sur Windows.
- L’utilisateur qui exécute le script doit être administrateur Topics ou Gestionnaire de connaissances.
Les fichiers de prise en charge clés sont inclus dans ce document :
Exécuter le script PowerShell
Utilisez les paramètres suivants :
Export-TopicLite -Upn < string > | Export-Csv -Path < string >
Exemple :
Export-TopicLite -Upn "user@domain.com" -Path "C:\"
Le fichier .csv inclut la sortie suivante :
- Nom de la rubrique
- Type de rubrique
- status de cycle de vie
- Heure de la dernière modification
Exporter un script de rubriques
# Gets all topicLites
function Export-TopicLite()
Get all topic lites
Export-TopicLite -Upn "upn"
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $Upn
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7)
# You need to upgrade your PowerShell environment. REST and parallel execution has better implementation there.
Write-Warning "PowerShell 7 or greater required. REST and parallel execution has better implementation there."
Write-Warning "If you are a part of Windows App Installer preview, use `"winget install --name PowerShell --exact`" from the command line to get and install the current stable version."
Write-Warning "Otherwise go to `"https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-core-on-windows#installing-the-msi-package`" to download and install latest powershell"
Write-Warning "See https://aka.ms/PSWindows for more"
. lib\AuthLib.ps1
. lib\TopicLib.ps1
$SubstrateUri = "https://substrate.office.com"
# Get default token to make call to Office Substrate Knowledge Base API
$usertoken = GetUserToken -Portal:$SubstrateUri -upn:$Upn
$token = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $usertoken -AsPlainText -Force
# Breakdown token to get appropriate value for Substrate anchor for KM API calls
$parsedToken = Parse-JWTtoken($token)
$contentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
$headers = @{}
$headers["Accept"] = $contentType
$headers["Content-Type"] = $contentType
# Required for correct routing of calls to Exchange Online
$headers["X-AnchorMailbox"] = "SMTP:" + $parsedToken.upn
$headers["X-RoutingParameter-SessionKey"] = "SMTP:" + $parsedToken.upn
$data = $null
# Need to assemble payload
$topicUri = "$SubstrateUri/KnowledgeGraph/api/v1.0/Topics?provider=TopicLite"
# Build body
$headers["Client-Request-Id"] = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$headers["X-Debug-FilterTopicLiteTopics"] = $false
$lastName = ""
$lastType = 1
$lastId = "";
$topicFound = $true
while ($topicFound -eq $true)
if ($lastId -eq "")
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $topicUri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers
$nextTopicUri = $topicUri + "&lastId=$lastId&lastName=$lastName&lastType=$lastType"
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $nextTopicUri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers
throw $_
if ($data.value.Length -ne 0)
$topics += $data.value
$len = $data.value.Length
$lastId = $data.value[$len-1].Id
$topicFound = $false
Write-Host "Last: $lastId Batch Len: $len"
return $topics
AuthLib.ps1 du fichier de prise en charge de clé
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6)
# You need to upgrade your PowerShell environment
Write-Warning "PowerShell 6 or greater required. REST commands work better that way."
Write-Warning "If you don't have it, use `"winget install --name PowerShell --exact`" from the command line to get and install the current stable version."
Write-Warning "See https://aka.ms/PSWindows for more"
$global:AzureRegion2SubstrateMapping =
"canadaeast" = "nam";
"canadacentral" = "nam";
"southcentralus" = "nam";
"northcentralus" = "nam";
"eastus" = "nam";
"eastus2" = "nam";
"centralus" = "nam";
"switzerlandnorth" = "eur";
"switzerlandwest" = "eur";
"germanywestcentral" = "eur";
"germanynorth" = "eur";
"westeurope" = "eur";
"northeurope" = "eur";
"francesouth" = "eur";
"francecentral" = "eur";
"norwayeast" = "eur";
"norwaywest" = "eur";
"swedencentral" = "eur";
"swedensouth" = "eur";
"qatarcentral" = "eur";
"southeastasia" = "apc";
"brazilsoutheast" = "lam";
"brazilsouth" = "lam";
"japanwest" = "jpn";
"japaneast" = "jpn";
"koreacentral" = "jpn";
"koreasouth" = "jpn";
"australiasoutheast" = "aus";
"australiaeast" = "aus";
"centralindia" = "ind";
"westindia" = "ind";
"southindia" = "ind";
"ukwest" = "gbr";
"uksouth" = "gbr";
"southafricanorth" = "zaf";
"southafricawest" = "zaf";
"uaecentral" = "are";
"uaenorth" = "are";
function GetUserToken
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Upn = "",
$path = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath | Join-Path -ChildPath "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($path)
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($bytes) | Out-Null
Add-Type -Path $path
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Upn))
$user = Invoke-Expression 'whoami /upn'
Write-Verbose "Got UPN from current user: $user"
$user = $upn
Write-Verbose "Getting token for service $Portal, user: $user"
# get constants outta the way
$authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common"
$clientId = "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"
$redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
$token = $null
$authContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority, $false)
# Prompt Behaviour to ask for user credentials value set to auto, with passed user as hint
$promptBehaviour = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.PlatformParameters]::new(0)
#$username = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier]::new($user, 'OptionalDisplayableId')
$username = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier]::new($user, 'OptionalDisplayableId')
Write-Verbose "Acquiring token for resource $Portal"
[Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationResult]$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($Portal, $clientId, $redirectUri, $promptBehaviour, $username).Result
# Check for tokens since requesting
foreach ($t in $tokens){
$currentTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
if (($t.Resource -eq $Portal) -and ($t.DisplayableId -eq $User) -and ($t.ExpiresOn -gt $currentTime)){
$token = $t.AccessToken
Write-Verbose "Got token for $User for URL $Portal, expiring at $($t.ExpiresOn)"
if ($null -eq $token){
Write-Error "No token present for user value $User passed"
Write-Host "Authorization token has been copied to clipboard`n"
Set-Clipboard -Value $token
return $token
function GetMicroserviceUrl
$sharepointToken = GetUserToken -Portal $Portal -Upn $Upn
$sharepointSecureToken = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $sharepointToken -AsPlainText -Force
$headers = @{
'accept' = 'application/json'
$uri = "$Portal/_api/sphomeservice/context?`$expand=Payload"
Write-Host "$uri"
if ($Fiddler)
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Authentication Bearer -Token $sharepointSecureToken -Headers $headers -Proxy ''
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Authentication Bearer -Token $sharepointSecureToken -Headers $headers
Write-Host "$_"
throw $_.Message
$spHomeRegion = $data.Urls[0]
# extract region + slot: southcentralus2
$spHomeRegion = $spHome.Remove(0, "https://".Length).Split('-')[0]
# remove slot: southcentralus2
$spHomeRegion = $spHomeRegion.Remove($spHomeRegion.Length - 1)
$subsctrateRegion = $AzureRegion2SubstrateMapping[$spHomeRegion]
$KMDomain = "https://$subsctrateRegion-kmp.svc.ms"
Write-Host "Using microservice url: $KMDomain"
return $KMDomain
function Parse-JWTtoken {
Function to return headers and values set in JWT / Bearer token
Source: https://www.michev.info/Blog/Post/2140/decode-jwt-access-and-id-tokens-via-powershell
Author: Vasil Michev, vasil at michev.info
PSObject containing array of token headers and corresponding values
# SecureString containing a JSON Web Token. See https://jwt.io/ for an interactive version.
if ($SecureToken.Length -gt 0)
$token = ConvertFrom-SecureString $SecureToken -AsPlainText
else {
Write-Error "Zero-length token specified" -ErrorAction:Stop
Write-Verbose "Beginning parse of token"
#Validate as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519
#Access and ID tokens are fine, Refresh tokens will not work
if (!$token.Contains(".") -or !$token.StartsWith("eyJ")) { Write-Error "Invalid token" -ErrorAction Stop }
$tokenheader = $token.Split(".")[0].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
#Fix padding as needed, keep adding "=" until string length modulus 4 reaches 0
while ($tokenheader.Length % 4) { Write-Verbose "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string, adding ="; $tokenheader += "=" }
Write-Verbose "Base64 encoded (padded) header:"
Write-Verbose $tokenheader
#Convert from Base64 encoded string to PSObject all at once
# Write-Verbose "Decoded header:" + ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([system.convert]::FromBase64String($tokenheader)) | ConvertFrom-Json | fl | Out-Default)
$tokenPayload = $token.Split(".")[1].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
#Fix padding as needed, keep adding "=" until string length modulus 4 reaches 0
while ($tokenPayload.Length % 4) { Write-Verbose "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string, adding ="; $tokenPayload += "=" }
Write-Verbose "Base64 encoded (padded) payload:"
Write-Verbose $tokenPayload
#Convert to Byte array
$tokenByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($tokenPayload)
#Convert to string array
$tokenArray = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($tokenByteArray)
Write-Verbose "Decoded array in JSON format:"
Write-Verbose $tokenArray
#Convert from JSON to PSObject
$tokobj = $tokenArray | ConvertFrom-Json
return $tokobj
function Test-TokenValidityPeriod ()
{ <#
Function to validate whether token passed is time-valid
Tests extracted expiry time of token against machine clock time and returns True if token is time-valid
Boolean indicating time-validity of token
param (
# Token to test for time-validity
$parsedToken = Parse-JWTtoken($token)
$expiryTime = (Get-Date -Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00Z").ToUniversalTime()
$expiryTime = $expiryTime.AddSeconds($parsedToken.exp)
$currentTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
Write-Verbose "Testing validity of token for user `"$($parsedToken.Name)`", $($parsedToken.Upn), URI $($parsedToken.Aud), tenant $($parsedToken.tid)."
Write-Verbose "Token expires at $expiryTime UTC. (It's $currentTime UTC.)"
if ($expiryTime -gt $currentTime) {
$validfor=[Math]::Floor((New-Timespan -start:$currentTime -end:$expiryTime).TotalSeconds)
Write-Verbose "Token is valid for $validfor seconds."
return $true
else {
return $false
TopicLib.ps1 du fichier de prise en charge de clé
enum TopicListType
function GetMicroserviceUrlByEnvironment
[ValidateSet("Prod", "GCC")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName)]
[string] $Environment,
[ValidateSet("Live", "Staging")]
[string] $Pipeline = "Live"
$msBase = "km"
$substrateRegion = "nam"
$urlDelimiter = "-"
$msEnvironmentSuffix = "p"
if ($Environment -eq "GCCTest")
$msEnvironmentSuffix = "p"
$substrateRegion = "nam"
$msBase = "kmgcc"
$urlDelimiter = "."
$MicroserviceBaseUrl = "https://$substrateRegion$($urlDelimiter)$msBase$msEnvironmentSuffix.svc.ms"
Write-Host "Microservice: $MicroserviceBaseUrl, Pipeline: $Pipeline"
return ($MicroserviceBaseUrl, $Pipeline)
function DownloadTopicsBatch
[SecureString] $token,
[string] $kmDomain,
[bool] $fiddler,
[bool] $verbose
# $ids are objects, join them manually
$idsParam = [String]::Join(",", $batch)
$uri = "$kmDomain/api/v1/KBDiagnostics/externalentities?entityIds=$idsParam"
$headers = @{}
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt -lt 3; $attempt++)
try {
if ($verbose)
Write-Host "$uri"
if ($fiddler)
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers -Proxy ''
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers
# api returns dictionary topicid => externalentity, powershell returns it at PSCustomObject.
# converting it to list of found entities
$foundEntities = @()
foreach ($property in $data.psobject.properties.name)
$foundEntities += , $data.$property
return $foundEntities
Write-Host "Retry: $_"
function ProcessTopicBatch
param (
[string] $batchId,
[string] $outputFile,
[SecureString] $token,
[string] $kmDomain,
[bool] $processFirst,
[bool] $fiddler,
[bool] $verbose
Write-Host "Batch $batchId"
$entities = DownloadTopicsBatch $batch $token $kmDomain -fiddler $fiddler -verbose $verbose
# lock output file and write data
while ($true)
$filePath = Get-Item $outputFile
$file = [System.IO.File]::Open($filePath.FullName, "append", "write", "none")
foreach ($entity in $entities)
$content = ""
if (-not $processFirst)
$content = ","
$processFirst = $false
$content += $entity | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100
$content += "`n"
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$data = $enc.GetBytes($content)
if ($_ -match "because it is being used by another process")
# file locked for writing by concurrent thread, wait a bit
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Host "Can't open file for writing: $_"
throw "Can't save results: $_"
function Get-TopicsDashboard()
Retrieves Topic dashboard via /api/v1.0/KnowledgeManagement/Topics/ManagedDashboardV2
Get-TopicsDashboard -token $token
Get-TopicsDashboard -token $token -test $true
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$substrateUrl = "https://substrate.office.com",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$fiddler = $false,
# Optional parameter to use the test pipeline
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$test = $false
# Breakdown token to get appropriate value for Substrate anchor for KM API calls
$parsedToken = Parse-JWTtoken($token)
# KM API for Managed Dashboard
$topicUri = "$SubstrateUri/KnowledgeGraph/api/v1.0/Topics/ManagedDashboardV2"
# Request
$PostBody = "{`"PastDays`":30 }"
$headers = @{}
$headers["Accept"] = $contentType
$headers["Content-Type"] = $contentType
# Required for correct routing of calls to Exchange Online
$headers["X-AnchorMailbox"] = "SMTP:" + $parsedToken.upn
$headers["X-RoutingParameter-SessionKey"] = "SMTP:" + $parsedToken.upn
if ($Test)
$headers[$SPDFTestHeader] = "true"
if ($fiddler)
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $topicUri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers -Body $PostBody -Proxy ''
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $topicUri -Authentication Bearer -Token $token -Headers $headers -Body $PostBody
if (($data -ne $null) -and ($data.Snapshots -ne $null))
return $data.Snapshots
return $snapshots