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Obtention d’informations sur un moniteur d’affichage

L’exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliser EnumDisplayDevices pour obtenir des informations sur un moniteur d’affichage.

BOOL GetDisplayMonitorInfo(int nDeviceIndex, LPSTR lpszMonitorInfo)
    FARPROC EnumDisplayDevices;
    HINSTANCE  hInstUser32;
    char szSaveDeviceName[33];  // 32 + 1 for the null-terminator 
    BOOL bRet = TRUE;
        HRESULT hr;
    hInstUser32 = LoadLibrary("c:\\windows\User32.DLL");
    if (!hInstUser32) return FALSE;  
    // Get the address of the EnumDisplayDevices function 
    EnumDisplayDevices = (FARPROC)GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,"EnumDisplayDevicesA");
    if (!EnumDisplayDevices) {
        return FALSE;

    ZeroMemory(&DispDev, sizeof(DispDev));
    DispDev.cb = sizeof(DispDev); 
    // After the first call to EnumDisplayDevices,  
    // DispDev.DeviceString is the adapter name 
    if (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, nDeviceIndex, &DispDev, 0)) 
                hr = StringCchCopy(szSaveDeviceName, 33, DispDev.DeviceName);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                // TODO: write error handler 
        // After second call, DispDev.DeviceString is the  
        // monitor name for that device  
        EnumDisplayDevices(szSaveDeviceName, 0, &DispDev, 0);   
                // In the following, lpszMonitorInfo must be 128 + 1 for  
                // the null-terminator. 
                hr = StringCchCopy(lpszMonitorInfo, 129, DispDev.DeviceString);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                // TODO: write error handler 
    } else    {
        bRet = FALSE;


    return bRet;