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Vérifier les signatures et certificats de document

Cette rubrique explique comment vérifier les signatures dans un document XPS et comment vérifier les certificats associés à ces signatures.

Avant d’utiliser les exemples de code suivants dans votre programme, lisez l’exclusion de responsabilité dans Tâches courantes de programmation de signature numérique.

L’exemple de code suivant vérifie les signatures numériques trouvées dans un document XPS.

Pour vérifier les signatures dans un document XPS, procédez comme suit :

  1. Chargez le document dans un gestionnaire de signatures, comme décrit dans Initialiser le gestionnaire de signatures.
  2. Obtenez la collection de signatures du gestionnaire de signatures numériques.
  3. Obtenez le nombre de signatures dans la collection.
  4. Pour chaque signature de la collection, appelez la méthode Verify comme indiqué dans l’exemple de code suivant.
    IXpsSignatureManager *signatureManager
    HRESULT                       hr                              = S_OK;
    IXpsSignature                 *signature                      = NULL;
    IXpsSignatureCollection       *signaturesInDocument           = NULL;
    UINT32                        numberOfSignaturesInDocument    = NULL;

    hr = signatureManager->GetSignatures(&signaturesInDocument);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        hr = signaturesInDocument->GetCount(&numberOfSignaturesInDocument);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        // Check each signature in the XPS document that was opened in
        //  the signature manager.
        for (UINT32 index = 0; index < numberOfSignaturesInDocument; index++)
            // Get the signature in the current index of the 
            //  IXpsSignatureCollection object
            hr = signaturesInDocument->GetAt(index, &signature);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
                PCCERT_CONTEXT       signingCertificate = NULL;
                XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS signatureStatus; 

                signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_BROKEN;
                // Verify the signature and authenticate 
                //  its signing certificate
                hr = VerifySignatureAndCertificates (
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    // If a FACILITY_SECURITY error code is returned then 
                    //  the current certificate was not the 
                    //    signing certificate, so continue with 
                    //  the enumeration.
                    if (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) != FACILITY_SECURITY)
                        // If the error was not a FACILITY_SECURITY error  
                        //  then exit and return the error
                        break; // out of for loop
                // release pointers for next loop
                if (NULL != signature) {
                    signature = NULL; 
                if (NULL != signingCertificate) {
                    CertFreeCertificateContext (signingCertificate); 
                    signingCertificate = NULL;
    if (NULL != signaturesInDocument) signaturesInDocument->Release();
    return hr;

Pour vérifier une signature numérique, commencez par vérifier la signature créée par le certificat de signature, puis validez le certificat de signature. La méthode de validation utilisée dans l’exemple de code suivant met en cache les certificats dans un magasin de certificats temporaire, que les fonctions de l’API Crypto utilisent lorsqu’elles sont appelées plus loin dans cet exemple.

Pour créer un magasin de certificats temporaire, procédez comme suit :

  1. Créez un magasin de certificats temporaire pour contenir les certificats utilisés par la signature.
  2. Effectuez une itération dans le jeu de certificats de la signature et chargez chaque certificat dans le magasin de certificats temporaire.
HRESULT VerifySignatureAndCertificates (
    IXpsSignature           *signature,
    PCCERT_CONTEXT          *signingCertificate,
    XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS    *signatureStatus
    HRESULT                         hr                        = S_OK;
    BOOL                            moreCertificates          = FALSE;
    IOpcCertificateEnumerator       *certificatesInSignature  = NULL;
    HCERTSTORE                      signatureCertificateStore = NULL;
    // Create a temporary certificate store.  
    signatureCertificateStore = CertOpenStore(

    // Create a certificate enumerator to store the certificates 
    //  that are associated with the current signature.
    hr = signature->GetCertificateEnumerator(&certificatesInSignature);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // We need to call the MoveNext method to initialize the enumerator.
        hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Iterate through the certificates in the signature, 
        //  and add each one to the temporary certificate store.  
        //  This temporary  certificate store simplifies 
        //  authentication of the signing certificate.
        while (moreCertificates)
            PCCERT_CONTEXT certificate  = NULL;
            hr = certificatesInSignature->GetCurrent(&certificate);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // got the next certificate so
                // add the current certificate to the temporary certificate store.
                if (!CertAddCertificateContextToStore(signatureCertificateStore,
                    hr = E_FAIL;
                    // ERROR: could not add the certificate to the certificate store
                    break; // out of while loop
                CertFreeCertificateContext (certificate);
                // unable to get the certificate so skip

            // move to next certificate in set
            if (FAILED(hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates)))
                // ERROR: could not move to the next certificate in the enumerator
                break; // out of while loop
            // moreCertificates == FALSE when the end of the set has been reached.
        }//End while
    if (NULL != certificatesInSignature) certificatesInSignature->Release();

Pour vérifier la signature numérique et le certificat utilisé pour signer le document, procédez comme suit :

  1. Recherchez le certificat de signature en itérant par le biais des certificats utilisés par la signature.
  2. Testez le certificat en vérifiant la signature par rapport au certificat. Le certificat de signature est trouvé lorsque la méthode Verify retourne unXPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS de XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID ou de XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE et ne retourne pas d’erreur FACILITY_SECURITY.
    // Reset the enumerator
    hr = signature->GetCertificateEnumerator(&certificatesInSignature);
    if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
        moreCertificates = FALSE;
        hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Iterate through the certificates in the signature,
        //  and call the IXpsSignature.Verify() method
        //  on each certificate.  
        // A signature can include an entire certificate chain, and so 
        //  only one of the certificates found in this enumeration 
        //  is the certificate that was used to sign the package. 
        //  The signing certificate is the one to authenticate.  
        // To find the signing certificate,  iterate through 
        //  the certificates in the signature and select the certificate that 
        //  or XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE and does not return a
        //  FACILITY_SECURITY error.
        XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS localSignatureStatus;
        localSignatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_INCOMPLIANT;
            PCCERT_CONTEXT certificate = NULL;
            DWORD certificateStatus = NULL;

            if (FAILED(hr = certificatesInSignature->GetCurrent(&certificate)))
                // We will skip corrupted certificates
                // free this one and move to the next
                CertFreeCertificateContext (certificate);
                hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    // ERROR: could not move to the next 
                    //  certificate in the enumerator
                    break; // out of do loop with failed hr
                // continue with next loop iteration
            // Verify that the signature conforms to the XPS signing policy.
            hr = signature->Verify(certificate, &localSignatureStatus);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                // If a FACILITY_SECURITY error code is returned, then the
                //  current certificate was not the signing certificate,
                //  so continue to the next certificate.
                if (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) == FACILITY_SECURITY)
                    // free this one and move to the next
                    CertFreeCertificateContext (certificate);
                    hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates);
                    if (FAILED(hr))
                        // ERROR: could not move to the next certificate 
                        //  in the enumerator
                        break; // out of do loop with failed hr
                // ERROR: An attempt to verify the signature has failed
                break; // out of do loop with failed hr
            // if verification was successful, localSignatureStatus will
            //  contain the status of the signature.
            // do loop continues in next code example

Une fois le certificat de signature trouvé, procédez comme suit :

  1. Enregistrez l’état de la signature retournée.
  2. Mettez à jour l’état local, le cas échéant, pour effectuer les tests de certificat suivants :
    1. Si l’état de la signature est réussi, définissez l’état local sur contestable pour tester les certificats.
    2. Si l’état de la signature est non conforme, laissez l’état local sur non conforme.
    3. Si l’état de la signature est cassé ou incomplet, définissez l’état local sur cassé.

Un état de signature de XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_INCOMPLIANT signifie que les parties du document XPS qui n’ont pas dû être signées ont été signées ou que des parties du document XPS qui auraient dû être signées n’ont pas été signées. Si Verify retourne cet état de signature, une vérification supplémentaire de la signature n’est pas nécessaire.

            // continuing do loop from previous code example
            *signingCertificate = certificate;
            *signatureStatus = localSignatureStatus;
            // note that this test should only downgrade the 
            // signature status, it should not upgrade it.
            switch (localSignatureStatus) {
                case XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID:
                    // the signature is valid or questionable so
                    // save the actual status and set the new status
                    // to questionable so the certificates will be checked.
                    localSignatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;

                    // the signature is not compliant 

                case XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_BROKEN:
                    // The Windows 7 XPS viewer displays incomplete signatures
                    // and broken signatures as broken.
                    *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_BROKEN;
                    localSignatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_BROKEN;

                    // there should be no other possible status values
            // do loop continues in next code example

Pour vérifier l’approbation du certificat si l’état de la signature était valide ou contestable, procédez comme suit :

  1. Obtenez l’état d’approbation du certificat.
  2. Évaluez l’état d’approbation du certificat retourné.
  3. Retournez l’état résultant.

L’exemple de code suivant ne teste pas chaque état d’approbation de certificat possible. Pour plus d’informations sur les valeurs d’état qui peuvent être retournées, consultez CERT_TRUST_STATUS.

            // continuing do loop from previous code example
            // at this point, localSignatureStatus should be less than or 
            // equal to what it was before the test.

            // Check the certificate to see if it is valid
            if ((localSignatureStatus == XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID) || 
                (localSignatureStatus == XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE))
                // This call builds the certificate trust chain from the 
                //  supplied certificate.  The certificate chain is used to
                //  authenticate the supplied certificate.
                hr = GetCertificateTrustStatus (
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    // ERROR: An attempt to authenticate the certificate 
                    //  has failed
                    break; // out of do loop with failed hr

                // The Crypt API returns a status that can contain more than
                //  one status value.
                // statusFlagMask is set to test all bits except for the
                //  CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID
                //  values because, for this test, these are not considered
                //  to be error conditions.
                DWORD statusFlagMask = ~(

                if (CERT_TRUST_NO_ERROR == (certificateStatus & statusFlagMask))
                    // If *signatureStatus is already 
                    //    XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID then there is no need to 
                    //    change the status as the certificate status has no 
                    //    certificate trust errors.
                    // If *signatureStatus is already 
                    //  XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE then we will not
                    //  upgrade the trust status of the signature just 
                    //  because there is no trust issue with the certificate.
                    // If trust errors were detected with the certificate, 
                    //  then this XPS signature is given a status of 
                    *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;

                // Handle additional certificate errors.  
                //  This is not an exhaustive list of possible errors.

                if (certificateStatus & CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID)
                    // The XPS Viewer considers signatures with 
                    //  expired certificates as valid.
                if (certificateStatus & CERT_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN)
                    // This test ensures that we only degrade the 
                    //  trust status and never upgrade it
                    if (XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID == *signatureStatus)
                        *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;

                if (certificateStatus & CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID)
                    // This test ensures that we only degrade the 
                    //  trust status and never upgrade it
                    if (XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID == *signatureStatus)
                        *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;

                if (certificateStatus & CERT_TRUST_IS_SELF_SIGNED)
                    // This test ensures that we only degrade the 
                    //  trust status and never upgrade it
                    if (XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID == *signatureStatus)
                        *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;
                if (certificateStatus & CERT_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT)
                    // This test ensures that we only degrade the 
                    //  trust status and never upgrade it
                    if (XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID == *signatureStatus)
                        *signatureStatus = XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_QUESTIONABLE;
            }//End if

            hr = certificatesInSignature->MoveNext(&moreCertificates);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                // ERROR: could not move to the next 
                //  certificate in the enumerator
                break; // out of do loop with failed hr
        } while((*signatureStatus != XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS_VALID) && 
    } // end if successful

    if (NULL != certificatesInSignature) certificatesInSignature->Release();

    return hr;

Dans l’exemple de code suivant, l’état d’approbation de certificat est obtenu en appelant la méthode indiquée dans l’exemple de code suivant.

HRESULT GetCertificateTrustStatus(
    __in PCCERT_CONTEXT certificate,
    __in HCERTSTORE* certificateStore,
    __out DWORD* certificateStatus
    HRESULT    hr = S_OK;

    // The certificate chain that will be created from 
    //  the PCCERT_CONTEXT object passed in.  
    PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT    certificateChain =    NULL;

    hr = CreateCertificateChain(

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { 
        *certificateStatus = 

    return hr;

La chaîne de certificats utilisée dans l’exemple de code précédent est créée en appelant la méthode indiquée dans l’exemple de code suivant.

CreateCertificateChain (
    __in PCCERT_CONTEXT            certificate,
    __in HCERTSTORE                certificateStore,
    __out PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT* certificateChain
    HRESULT  hr = S_OK;

    CERT_CHAIN_PARA certificateChainParameters = {0};

    certificateChainParameters.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_PARA);
    certificateChainParameters.RequestedUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND;

    // CertGetCertificateChain builds a certificate chain that starts 
    //  from the PCCERT_CONTEXT structure provided by the caller.
    //  After the certificate chain has been successfully created, 
    //  then the authenticity of the certificate can be determined 
    //  by examining the errors, if any, that occurred while the chain
    //  was created.
    BOOL successCreatingCertChain = CertGetCertificateChain (

    if (!successCreatingCertChain)
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
    return hr;

Utilisé dans cette section



















Pour plus d'informations

Incorporer des chaînes de certificats dans un document

Erreurs de l’API Signature numérique XPS

Erreurs de document XPS

XML Paper Specification