XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh
XNA Team Blog : XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh Released
XNA Game Studio Express(다운로드)
XNA Game Studio Express Release Notes
지난달에 발표했던 XNA Game Studio Express 1.0의 Refresh 버젼이 나왔습니다. Xbox 360에서는 새 빌드의 XNA Game Launcher를 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다. 이 다운로드는 1.0과 1.0 Refresh 버젼의 GSE와 호환되기 때문에 GSE를 업그레이드하지 않더라도 동작은 합니다. 대부분의 게임들은 단순히 재컴파일하는데에 문제가 없을 것입니다. 달라진 점들을 다시 나열하면 다음과 같습니다:
- XNA Game Studio Express
- Windows Vista is now fully supported
- You can now add icons to XNA Game Studio Express Games.
- Incrementally deployment of Xbox 360 projects now works for all your projects (not just the last one loaded)
- XNA Framework
- Added Bitmap based font support
- Added XACT 3D Audio support
- Improvements and additions to the Math framework API’s
- BasicEffect now supports per-pixel lighting
- Many more changes based on your feedback!
- XNA Framework Content Pipeline
- Added support for Volume Textures (Texture3D)
- Content builds can now be canceled
- Support for “clean” builds
- Added the ability to read vertex and index buffer information from Model types
- Many more changes based on your feedback!
- XNA Game Launcher (Xbox 360)
- Game thumbnails are now displayed for your games
- Improved connection-key connectivity experience between the Xbox 360 and the PC
- The ability to test and diagnose the connection between the Xbox 360 and the PC
- Developer sharing of packaged XNA Game Studio Express Games
- Users can now package their binary games into a single file to share with other users of XNA Game Studio Express.
- These files can be emailed or hosted on websites like any other files.
- To run a game double click a file and it will unpack to your Windows based PC or Xbox 360 console, it’s that easy!
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