Creating Excel Game (or something similar for fun)
Awhile back I saw really interesting article: Microsoft Excel: Revolutionary 3D Game Engine?
After that I was forced to do small test on that and that of course resulted to this post :-)
I just grabbed the idea and made small “car game” (but in reality it just vaguely reminds of car game) on top of Excel. And here is the result:
My car (or just blue box if you wish) can be controlled with mouse. If you press left mouse button it increases the speed of the car (a.k.a. gas pedal). I was too lazy to “invent” brake so car just slowly slows down if user isn’t pressing the left mouse button. User can control the “car” by moving mouse from left to right. Right mouse button quits the game.
Since I just wanted to test basic input and drawing mechanisms I didn’t even bother to think of creating any physics. I’ll leave that to you! But here’s the source code for my example:
' WinAPI stuff:Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As IntegerDeclare Sub GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByRef lpoint As POINTAPI)Declare Function ShowCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal bShow As Long) As LongType POINTAPI x As Long y As LongEnd Type Sub GameLoop() ' Input related variables: Dim mouseLocation As POINTAPI Dim mouseLocationPrevious As POINTAPI ' Get & Set original mouse position: GetCursorPos mouseLocation mouseLocationPrevious = mouseLocation ' Initialize the system: ActiveSheet.Range("Xdiff").Value = 0 ActiveSheet.Range("Ydiff").Value = 0 ActiveSheet.Range("SteeringWheel").Value = 90 ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value = 0 ActiveSheet.Range("CarX").Value = 250 ActiveSheet.Range("CarY").Value = 250 ' Hide mouse cursor: ShowCursor 0 ' We're going to loop until mouse click: While GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyRButton) = 0 ' Magic: Sheets("GameBoard").Range("Z_SortArea").Sort _ Sheets("GameBoard").Range("NormalZ"), xlAscending GetCursorPos mouseLocation DrawCar "car1", mouseLocation, mouseLocationPrevious ActiveSheet.Range("CarX").Value = _ ActiveSheet.Range("CarX").Value - ActiveSheet.Range("SpeedY").Value ActiveSheet.Range("CarY").Value = _ ActiveSheet.Range("CarY").Value - ActiveSheet.Range("SpeedX").Value mouseLocationPrevious = mouseLocation ' Let’s take a nap: Sleep(10) If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyLButton) <> 0 Then ' User is pressing the gas pedal => More speed: ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value = _ ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value + ActiveSheet.Range("Accelerate").Value If ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value > ActiveSheet.Range("MaxPedal").Value Then ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value = ActiveSheet.Range("MaxPedal").Value End If Else ' User isn't pressing the gas pedal => Take of some speed (if moving): ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value = _ ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value - ActiveSheet.Range("Brake").Value If ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value < 0 Then ActiveSheet.Range("Pedal").Value = 0 End If End If End While ' Bring back the mouse cursor: ShowCursor 1End SubSub DrawCar(carID As String, _ mouseLocation As POINTAPI, _ mouseLocationPrevious As POINTAPI) Dim diffX As Double Dim diffY As Double Dim Points(1 To 5, 1 To 2) As Single Dim carX As Double Dim carY As Double Dim carWidth As Double Dim carHeight As Double carX = ActiveSheet.Range("CarX").Value carY = ActiveSheet.Range("CarY").Value carHeight = ActiveSheet.Range("CarSize1").Value carWidth = ActiveSheet.Range("CarSize2").Value ' Get input and store current values to sheet: ActiveSheet.Range("Xdiff").Value = mouseLocationPrevious.x - mouseLocation.x ActiveSheet.Range("Ydiff").Value = mouseLocationPrevious.y - mouseLocation.y ActiveSheet.Range("SteeringWheel").Value = _ ActiveSheet.Range("SteeringWheel").Value + ActiveSheet.Range("Xdiff2").Value Points(1, 1) = carX - carWidth Points(1, 2) = carY + carHeight Points(2, 1) = carX + carWidth Points(2, 2) = carY + carHeight Points(3, 1) = carX + carWidth Points(3, 2) = carY - carHeight Points(4, 1) = carX - carWidth Points(4, 2) = carY - carHeight Points(5, 1) = Points(1, 1) Points(5, 2) = Points(1, 2) ' Draw this car: On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes(carID).Delete Err.Clear ' Deleting Shape that doesn't exist => Error ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPolyline(Points).Name = carID ActiveSheet.Shapes(carID).Rotation = ActiveSheet.Range("SteeringWheel").ValueEnd Sub
I did my tests on Excel 2007 and I used .xlsm format (Macro enabled). You can grab my file from here.
So if you want to open that example it gives you this security warning:
You need to click Options... button just below ribbon. And then check Enable this content and click OK:
And if you want to run the game you can just press Alt-F8 and then hit enter (or click Run):
Well I have to say that I enjoyed playing with Excel. Maybe some day I’m going to use this for some serious thing or not :-)
January 30, 2009
This is absolutely awesome. I will never look at Excel the same way!
July 02, 2012
Hw to run this?? Hw to save ds file??
April 09, 2014
Prior to planning it is every important plan because when you invite the people for the party then you will send the invitation cards or you will send email to the friends. so it si the big plan for the shower party.
if there are any other pregnant women in shower party then you can site down on comfortable place. because the pregnant woman his a lot of pain. you will take care of pregnant women.
Funny games you will select the funny games for the party because some people like the funny games and they wants to entertain the different games to play in shower party. there are a lot games baby which you can play in shower party.
April 10, 2014
the shower party is the occasion of the enjoyments and most of the people come to party with very keen and they wants to enjoy the shower party. you also invite your friend and your family member for the shower party.
May 16, 2014
how can i change the rectangle into a picture?
April 20, 2016
The comment has been removed
August 31, 2016
I cannot run this game. its a compile error. cannot define a public user- defined type within an object i correct this?