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Ramblings on app & infrastructure deployment automation


DevWire IoT / 組み込み業界必読の無料ニュースレターのまとめ

毎月最終月曜日に配信しております、みんな大好きDevWireのバックナンバーサイトです。MVPやマイクロソフトのエンジニアのコラムは特に必読です、他ではなかなか聞けないお話です。さらに我がマーケティングチームのつぶやき「ほっと一息」は本当にほっと一息できるゆるーい内容です。皆様の「組み込み活動」にお役できることを一番に考えております。よろしくお願いいたします。IoT Device Experience Marketing Team 一同より

Dgoldman's WebLog

The daily adventures of an Escalation Engineer

Dhawan : The One

Dhiraj Moghe's - SharePoint World

All posts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Dhiren’s SharePoint Blog

My learnings from technology journey !

Diagnosing Office 365 with Support and Recovery Assistant

Support and recovery assistance for Office 365, Office 365, Office

Diana's SharePoint Blog

Sharing my experiences with the world...

Dianne Siebold's WebLog

News and ramblings on the Dynamics AX SDK documentation.

Diaries of a Software Plumber

Diary of a rocker nerd

tricks, lessons learned, personal thoughts and funny facts

Die Core Leute

Warning: This blog is not maintained any more (no update of content or links – as well as information are might deprecated / not valid any more).

Die Entwicklung von Windows 8

Einblicke in die Arbeit des Windows-Entwicklerteams

Die Technik von Windows 7

Diego Vega

Entity Framework news and sporadic epiphanies

Diego Viso’s Blog

Musings of an Architect

DIFX KB 3190293 (AX 2012 R3)/ KB 3188135 (AX2012 R2)

Just another Developer Network site

Digging in

Digital Ruminations

Discourses on divers matters related to computers and their programming, lead by your humble host Mathew Charles.

Digital Transformation Blog

The Art of Digital Change

digitalnetbizz's WebLog

Dilip Kumar’s Blog

Information about Skype for Business (On Premise and Office 365)


Dima Stopel's blog


Dina Ayoub's Technical Blog - SharePoint topics

Welcome to my personal technical blog. I'm Dina, a Program Manager II, MSFT.

Dinesh's Cyberstation

Dino's Blog

.NET Stuff

Dipanjan's WeBlog

From Impossible to I-M-Possible

Dipper Park

Technical Blogs focus on SharePoint Server, SQL Server, Business Intelligence, Master Data Management and others

Direct Reports

Dynamics AX product-related topics for project-based businesses such as consulting, accounting, advertising, and construction.

Director of Random Technologies

Using diagnostic tools to tune and debug Windows software

Direnc Onen


Dirk Schneider’s Blog

Just another Developer Network site

Discover the solutions…

Discoveries / Experiences in .Net Application development

Discoveries during Web Application development using Asp.Net, C# etc

Discoveries in my daily job as a Microsoft Consultant

Discovering coding pearls

Discovering the world of Azure

The journey from an issue to a Resolution

Discrete Manufacturing Industry

Discussions on SQL Server Manageability and Development.

Distilled Thoughts (IoT, Integration & Cloud)

Sharing the defining moments

Distributed Development

Thoughts on cloud, distributed computing & interoperability

Distributed Matters

Troubleshooting issues in technologies available to developers for building distributed applications

Distributed Services Support Team

The official blog of the engineers supporting distributed technologies

Distributed Services: Notes from the field

One Stop for Windows Communication Foundation, Microsoft Distributed Services and Com+ Solutions


Divya Malini's Blog

Just another Developer Network site

Divyansh Manchanda’s Blog

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