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Pubblicare eventi negli argomenti dello spazio dei nomi usando Java

Questo articolo fornisce una guida rapida dettagliata per pubblicare CloudEvents usando Java. Il codice di esempio in questo articolo usa il formato JSON CloudEvents durante l'invio di eventi.


I prerequisiti necessari prima di procedere sono:

  • Spazio dei nomi, argomento e sottoscrizione di eventi.

  • Il pacchetto SDK beta più recente. Se si usa maven, è possibile consultare il repository centrale maven.


    Il supporto SDK per il piano dati di recapito pull è disponibile nei pacchetti beta. È necessario usare il pacchetto beta più recente nel progetto.

  • Un IDE che supporta Java come IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse IDE o Visual Studio Code.

  • Java JRE con il livello di linguaggio Java 8 in esecuzione.

Pubblicare eventi in un argomento dello spazio dei nomi

Usa la lezione seguente per comprendere i passaggi fondamentali per pubblicare eventi.



import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

 * <p>Simple demo publisher of CloudEvents to Event Grid namespace topics.
 * This code samples should use Java 1.8 level or above to avoid compilation errors.
 * You should consult the resources below to use the client SDK and set up your project using maven.
 * @see <a href="">Event Grid data plane client SDK documentation</a>
 * @see <a href="">Azure BOM for client libraries</a>
 * @see <a href="">Spring Version Mapping</a> if you are using Spring.
 * @see <a href="">Tool with links to control plane and data plane SDKs across all languages supported</a>.
public class NamespaceTopicPublisher {
    private static final String TOPIC_NAME = "<yourNamespaceTopicName>";
    public static final String ENDPOINT =  "<yourFullHttpsUrlToTheNamespaceEndpoint>";
    public static final int NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_TO_BUILD_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXCEED_100 = 10;

    //TODO  Do NOT include keys in source code. This code's objective is to give you a succinct sample about using Event Grid, not to provide an authoritative example for handling secrets in applications.
    *  For security concerns, you should not have keys or any other secret in any part of the application code.
     *  You should use services like Azure Key Vault for managing your keys.
    public static final AzureKeyCredential CREDENTIAL = new AzureKeyCredential("<namespace key>");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //TODO Update Event Grid version number to your desired version. You can find more information on data plane APIs here:
        EventGridClient eventGridClient = new EventGridClientBuilder()
                .httpClient(HttpClient.createDefault())  // Requires Java 1.8 level
                .credential(CREDENTIAL).buildClient();   // you may want to use .buildAsyncClient() for an asynchronous (project reactor) client.

        List<CloudEvent> cloudEvents = buildCloudEvents(NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_TO_BUILD_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXCEED_100);

        eventGridClient.publishCloudEvents(TOPIC_NAME, cloudEvents);

        System.out.println("--> Number of events published: " + NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_TO_BUILD_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXCEED_100); // There is no partial publish. Either all succeed or none.

     * <p>Builds a list of valid CloudEvents for testing purposes</p>
     * @param numberOfEventsToBuild this should not exceed 100, which is the maximum number of events allowed in a single HTTP request or 1MB in size, whichever is met first.
     * @return the list of CloudEvents
    private static List<CloudEvent> buildCloudEvents(int numberOfEventsToBuild) {
        List<CloudEvent> cloudEvents = new ArrayList<>(numberOfEventsToBuild);
        while (numberOfEventsToBuild >= 1) {
        return cloudEvents;

     * <p>Builds a valid CloudEvent for testing purposes.</p>
     * @return a CloudEvent
    private static CloudEvent buildCloudEvent() {
        String orderId = Integer.toString(new Random().nextInt(1000-10+1) + 10);  // Generates a random integer between 1000 and 1 (exclusive)

        return new CloudEvent("/account/a-4305/orders", "com.MyCompanyName.OrderCreated",
                BinaryData.fromObject(new HashMap<String, String>() {
                        put("orderId", orderId);
                        put("orderResourceURL", "" + orderId);
                        put("isRushOrder", "true");
                        put("customerType", "Institutional");
                }), CloudEventDataFormat.JSON, "application/json")

Passaggi successivi