Many retailers need the ability to adjust inventory in or out to account for standard business processes such as using store inventory for samples or other purposes where they prefer to perform an adjustment manually as opposed to a sale. Commerce point of sale (POS) now provides comprehensive in-store inventory management capabilities that are common to the majority of retail customers to eliminate the need for multiple applications in the store.
Feature details
This feature will provide an operation accessible from POS to allow an authorized user to perform an adjustment of inventory in or out depending on their business scenario. The feature will provide options that allow the use of both the movement journal and the adjustment journal concepts from Commerce headquarters to be leveraged in POS. Users will be able to link a reason code to the adjustment that will determine the journal type that will be used.
Per sapere come rettificare il magazzino e contare gli articoli, leggere questo modulo che spiega come usare le registrazioni articoli per rettificare, contare e riclassificare gli articoli.