cloudPcAutopilotConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Represents specific settings for Windows Autopilot that enable Windows 365 customers to experience it on Cloud PC.


Property Type Description
applicationTimeoutInMinutes Int32 Indicates the number of minutes allowed for the Autopilot application to apply the device preparation profile (DPP) configurations to the device. If the Autopilot application doesn't finish within the specified time (applicationTimeoutInMinutes), the application error is added to the statusDetail property of the cloudPC object. The supported value is an integer between 10 and 360. Required.
devicePreparationProfileId String The unique identifier (ID) of the Autopilot device preparation profile (DPP) that links a Windows Autopilot device preparation policy to ensure that devices are ready for users after provisioning. Required.
onFailureDeviceAccessDenied Boolean Indicates whether the access to the device is allowed when the application of Autopilot device preparation profile (DPP) configurations fails or times out. If true, the status of the device is failed and the device is unable to access; otherwise, the status of the device is provisionedWithWarnings and the device is allowed to access. The default value is false. Required.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcAutopilotConfiguration",
  "applicationTimeoutInMinutes": "Int32",
  "devicePreparationProfileId": "String (identifier)",
  "onFailureDeviceAccessDenied": "Boolean"