Per Pending Request

For each request that was sent to the server and is awaiting a response, the client MUST implement the following:

Request.CancelId: An implementation-dependent identifier generated by the client to support cancellation of pending requests that are sent to the server. The identifier MUST uniquely identify the request among all requests sent by the client to the server.

Request.AsyncId: An identifier generated by the server and sent to the client in an asynchronous interim response.

Request.Message: The contents of the request sent to the server.

Request.Timestamp: The time at which the request was sent to the server.

If the client implements the SMB 3.x dialect family, it also implements the following:

§ Request.BufferDescriptorList: For a READ/WRITE request sent over RDMA, this is a list of SMB_DIRECT_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR_V1 structures returned by [MS-SMBD] section