In questo argomento vengono visualizzati gli argomenti della Guida per i cmdlet di Azure Service Fabric. Azure Service Fabric è una piattaforma di sistemi distribuiti che consente di creare applicazioni scalabili, affidabili e facilmente gestibili per il cloud. Service Fabric fa fronte alle principali problematiche correlate allo sviluppo e alla gestione delle applicazioni cloud. Consente agli sviluppatori e agli amministratori di non dover più occuparsi della risoluzione di complessi problemi di infrastruttura, ma di concentrarsi sull'implementazione di carichi di lavoro cruciali e impegnativi, consapevoli di quanto siano anche scalabili, affidabili e gestibili. Service Fabric rappresenta la piattaforma middleware di prossima generazione per la creazione e la gestione di applicazioni cloud di classe enterprise di primo livello. Con Azure Service Fabric, è possibile eseguire le operazioni seguenti: semplificare lo sviluppo e la gestione dell'applicazione basata su microservizi Offre prestazioni a bassa latenza e efficienza su larga scala usata da Azure e altri servizi Microsoft Run in Azure, in locale o in altri cloud Il modulo PowerShell di Service Fabric viene installato con Service Fabric SDK, runtime e strumenti.
Add-ServiceFabricConfigurationParameterOverrides |
Adds one or more temporary configuration override(s) to the specified cluster node. |
Add-ServiceFabricNode |
Adds a Service Fabric node to a cluster. |
Add-ServiceFabricNodeTags |
Adds a list of tags on the specified node. |
Approve-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Forces approval of a repair task. |
Complete-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Reports that a manual repair task is finished. |
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster |
Creates a connection to a Service Fabric cluster. |
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage |
Copies a Service Fabric application package to the image store. |
Copy-ServiceFabricClusterPackage |
Copies a Service Fabric runtime installation file and/or cluster manifest to the image store. |
Copy-ServiceFabricNetworkManifest |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Copy-ServiceFabricServicePackageToNode |
Copies a service package to a target node. |
Disable-ServiceFabricNode |
Disables a Service Fabric node. |
Enable-ServiceFabricNode |
Enables a Service Fabric node. |
Get-ApplicationsInServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-NodesInServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricApplication |
Gets the application(s) on the Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric application. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationLoadInformation |
Gets application capacity parameters and load information for a Service Fabric application. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationManifest |
Gets the manifest for a Service Fabric application type. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationName |
Gets the Service Fabric Application name from the Service Fabric Service name. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType |
Gets the Service Fabric application types registered on the Service Fabric cluster which match the provided filters. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade |
Gets the status of a Service Fabric application upgrade. |
Get-ServiceFabricChaos |
Get a description of the status of Chaos and its components. |
Get-ServiceFabricChaosEvents |
Get a history of Chaos related events. |
Get-ServiceFabricChaosReport |
Gets a report of Chaos results. |
Get-ServiceFabricChaosSchedule |
Get a description of the Chaos Scheduler's schedule. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterConfiguration |
Gets the latest JSON format cluster configuration for a standalone deployment. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgradeStatus |
Gets the status for Service Fabric cluster configuration upgrade for a standalone deployment. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterConnection |
Gets the current Service Fabric cluster connection. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth |
Gets health information for a Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealthChunk |
Gets health information for a Service Fabric cluster and its children. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterLoadInformation |
Gets the load reports of a Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterManifest |
Gets the Service Fabric cluster manifest, including default configurations for reliable services. |
Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade |
Gets the status of a Service Fabric cluster upgrade. |
Get-ServiceFabricComposeDeploymentStatus |
PREVIEW. Gets all or a specific compose deployment status in the Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricComposeDeploymentUpgrade |
This cmdlet is in PREVIEW and is subject to change in the next release(s). There is no compatibility guarantee. Gets the status of a Service Fabric compose deployment upgrade. |
Get-ServiceFabricConfigurationOverrides |
Retrieves all overrides applied to the specified cluster node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedApplication |
Gets the Service Fabric application(s) on a specified node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedApplicationHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric application on a node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedCodePackage |
Gets the Service Fabric code packages deployed on a node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedReplica |
Gets information about a Service Fabric replica on a node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedReplicaDetail |
Gets information about Service Fabric replicas from a host process. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedServicePackage |
Gets the Service Fabric service packages on a node. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedServicePackageHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric service package. |
Get-ServiceFabricDeployedServiceType |
Gets the Service Fabric service types deployed on a node. |
Get-ServiceFabricImageStoreContent |
Gets image store content information |
Get-ServiceFabricLoadedPartitionInfoList |
Gets ordered list of partitions. |
Get-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricNetworkManifest |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricNetworkName |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricNetworkOnNode |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricNetworkType |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricNode |
Gets information for all nodes in a Service Fabric cluster, or for a specific node. |
Get-ServiceFabricNodeConfiguration |
Gets the configuration of a Service Fabric node. |
Get-ServiceFabricNodeHealth |
Gets the health state of a Service Fabric node. |
Get-ServiceFabricNodeLoadInformation |
Gets detailed metrics load information for a Service Fabric node. |
Get-ServiceFabricNodeTransitionProgress |
Gets the progress of a node transition operation. |
Get-ServiceFabricPackageDebugParameters | |
Get-ServiceFabricPartition |
Gets information about the partitions of a specified Service Fabric partition or service. |
Get-ServiceFabricPartitionDataLossProgress |
Gets the progress of a data loss fault operation. |
Get-ServiceFabricPartitionHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric partition. |
Get-ServiceFabricPartitionLoadInformation |
Gets the load reports for a Service Fabric partition. |
Get-ServiceFabricPartitionQuorumLossProgress |
Gets the progress of a quorum loss faults. |
Get-ServiceFabricPartitionRestartProgress |
Gets the progress of a partition restart. |
Get-ServiceFabricRegisteredClusterCodeVersion |
Gets all provisioned fabric code versions in a Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricRegisteredClusterConfigVersion |
Gets provisioned fabric configuration versions in a Service Fabric cluster. |
Get-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Gets the repair tasks. |
Get-ServiceFabricReplica |
Gets Service Fabric replicas of a partition. |
Get-ServiceFabricReplicaHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric replica. |
Get-ServiceFabricReplicaLoadInformation |
Returns detailed metrics load information for a Service Fabric replica. |
Get-ServiceFabricRuntimeSupportedVersion |
Gets a list of all currently supported service fabric runtime versions for standalone deployments. |
Get-ServiceFabricRuntimeUpgradeVersion |
Gets a list of all service fabric runtime versions, which are upgrade compatible to a given version for standalone deployments. |
Get-ServiceFabricSecret |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricService |
Gets a list of Service Fabric services. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceDescription |
Gets the Service Fabric service description of a service that is running. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceGroupDescription |
Gets a Service Fabric service group description. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceGroupMember |
Gets members of service groups. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceGroupMemberType |
Gets member types of Service Fabric service groups. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceHealth |
Gets the health of a Service Fabric service. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceManifest |
Gets the Service Fabric service type manifest. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceName |
Gets the name of the service for a Service Fabric partition. |
Get-ServiceFabricServiceType |
Gets all the Service Fabric service types for the given application type or a specific service type. |
Get-ServiceFabricTestCommandStatusList |
Gets the list of all the fault operations triggered in the cluster and their status |
Get-ServiceFabricUnplacedReplicaInformation |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-ServiceFabricUpgradeOrchestrationServiceState |
For internal use only. Get the internal state of Fabric Upgrade Orchestration Service for standalone deployments. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricChaosTestScenario |
OBSOLETE. Please use Start-ServiceFabricChaos. Invokes a test scenario to induce iterative failover and faults in a cluster. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricDecryptText |
Decrypts the text encrypted by the Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText cmdlet. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptSecret |
OBSOLETE. Please use Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText cmdlet. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText |
Encrypts text to include in Service Fabric manifests or configurations. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricFailoverTestScenario |
Invokes a test scenario to induce faults in a Service Fabric partition. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricInfrastructureCommand |
Invokes an administrative command on an infrastructure service. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricInfrastructureQuery |
Invokes a read-only query on an infrastructure service. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricPartitionDataLoss |
DEPRECATED. Induces data loss in a specified Service Fabric partition to test the data recovery path for a service. |
Invoke-ServiceFabricPartitionQuorumLoss |
DEPRECATED. Induces quorum loss in a Service Fabric partition for a specified amount of time. |
Move-ServiceFabricInstance |
Moves the instance of a partition of a stateless service. |
Move-ServiceFabricPrimaryReplica |
Moves the Service Fabric primary replica of a stateful service partition. |
Move-ServiceFabricSecondaryReplica |
Moves the Service Fabric secondary replica of a stateful service. |
New-ServiceFabricApplication |
Creates a Service Fabric application. |
New-ServiceFabricCluster |
Creates a new standalone Service Fabric cluster. |
New-ServiceFabricComposeDeployment |
PREVIEW. Creates a Service Fabric compose deployment. |
New-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
New-ServiceFabricNodeConfiguration |
Configures a node to join a Service Fabric cluster. Works for development clusters and Azure clusters. |
New-ServiceFabricPackageDebugParameter |
Adds debug parameters for a code package in a service package. |
New-ServiceFabricPackageSharingPolicy |
Creates a package sharing policy. |
New-ServiceFabricService |
Creates a Service Fabric service. |
New-ServiceFabricServiceFromTemplate |
If the application manifest has defined a service templates section, then this command can be used to create new services with service description parameters populated from the template. |
New-ServiceFabricServiceGroup |
Creates a Service Fabric service group. |
New-ServiceFabricServiceGroupFromTemplate |
Creates a Service Fabric service group from a service template. |
Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType |
Registers a Service Fabric application type. |
Register-ServiceFabricClusterPackage |
Registers Service Fabric runtime installation file and/or cluster manifest with the cluster. |
Remove-ServiceFabricApplication |
Removes a Service Fabric application. |
Remove-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage |
Removes a Service Fabric application package from the image store. |
Remove-ServiceFabricCluster |
Removes a standalone Service Fabric cluster. |
Remove-ServiceFabricClusterPackage |
Removes a Service Fabric cluster package from the image store. |
Remove-ServiceFabricComposeDeployment |
PREVIEW. Removes a Service Fabric compose deployment. |
Remove-ServiceFabricConfigurationOverrides |
Removes all configuration overrides applied to the specified cluster node. |
Remove-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Remove-ServiceFabricNetworkOnNode |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Remove-ServiceFabricNetworkType |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Remove-ServiceFabricNode |
Removes a Service Fabric node from the cluster. |
Remove-ServiceFabricNodeConfiguration |
Removes information related to a configured node. |
Remove-ServiceFabricNodeState |
Notifies Service Fabric that the state on a node has been removed by an external mechanism. |
Remove-ServiceFabricNodeTags |
Removes a list of tags from the specified node. |
Remove-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Removes a completed repair task. |
Remove-ServiceFabricReplica |
Removes a replica from a cluster to simulate a replica failure. |
Remove-ServiceFabricSecret |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Remove-ServiceFabricService |
Removes an existing Service Fabric service. |
Remove-ServiceFabricServiceGroup |
Removes a Service Fabric service group. |
Remove-ServiceFabricTestState |
Removes all test state data from a Service Fabric cluster. |
Repair-ServiceFabricPartition |
Brings a partition out of quorum loss. |
Reset-ServiceFabricPartitionLoad |
Resets the current load of a Service Fabric partition. |
Resolve-ServiceFabricService |
Retrieves the replica address of a stateful Service Fabric partitioned service or the address of an instance of a stateless Service Fabric service. |
Restart-ServiceFabricDeployedCodePackage |
Restarts a code package deployed on a node in a cluster to simulate a process failure. |
Restart-ServiceFabricNetworkOnNode |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Restart-ServiceFabricNode |
Restarts a Service Fabric node to simulate a cluster node failure. |
Restart-ServiceFabricPartition |
Restarts replicas of a Service Fabric partition to simulate a data center blackout or cluster blackout scenario. |
Restart-ServiceFabricReplica |
Restarts a Service Fabric replica to simulate the reopening of a stateful service replica. |
Resume-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade |
Resumes an unmonitored Service Fabric application upgrade. |
Resume-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade |
Resumes an unmonitored Service Fabric cluster upgrade. |
Send-ServiceFabricApplicationHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric application. |
Send-ServiceFabricClusterHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric cluster. |
Send-ServiceFabricDeployedApplicationHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric application deployed on a node. |
Send-ServiceFabricDeployedServicePackageHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric deployed service package. |
Send-ServiceFabricNodeHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric node. |
Send-ServiceFabricPartitionHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric service partition. |
Send-ServiceFabricReplicaHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric replica. |
Send-ServiceFabricServiceHealthReport |
Sends a health report on a Service Fabric service. |
Set-ServiceFabricChaosSchedule |
Set the schedule to be used by the Chaos Scheduler. |
Set-ServiceFabricReplicaComplete |
Reports completion of the current stateless service instance of the partition. |
Set-ServiceFabricReplicaPlacementHealthReporting |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Set-ServiceFabricSecret |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Set-ServiceFabricUpgradeOrchestrationServiceState |
For internal use only. Set the internal state of Fabric Upgrade Orchestration Service. |
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationRollback |
Starts rolling back a Service Fabric application upgrade. |
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade |
Upgrades a Service Fabric application to specified ApplicationTypeVersion. |
Start-ServiceFabricChaos |
Starts a Chaos run in the cluster. |
Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgrade |
Upgrades a cluster configuration. |
Start-ServiceFabricClusterRollback |
Starts rolling back a Service Fabric cluster upgrade. |
Start-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade |
Upgrades a Service Fabric cluster. |
Start-ServiceFabricComposeDeploymentRollback |
PREVIEW. Starts rolling back a Service Fabric compose deployment upgrade. |
Start-ServiceFabricComposeDeploymentUpgrade |
PREVIEW. Upgrades a Service Fabric compose deployment with a new compose file. |
Start-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Start-ServiceFabricNetworkOnNode |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Start-ServiceFabricNode |
OBSOLETE. Starts a node in a Service Fabric cluster. |
Start-ServiceFabricNodeTransition |
Initiates an operation to start or stop a Service Fabric cluster node. |
Start-ServiceFabricPartitionDataLoss |
Initiates a data loss fault operation on a partition of a stateful Service Fabric service. |
Start-ServiceFabricPartitionQuorumLoss |
Initiates a fault to put a partition into quorum loss. The various ways to specify or to choose the partition to invoke quorum loss on are below. |
Start-ServiceFabricPartitionRestart |
Initiates the restart of a stateful service partition. |
Start-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Starts a repair task. |
Stop-ServiceFabricChaos |
Stops Chaos in the cluster. |
Stop-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Stop-ServiceFabricNetworkOnNode |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Stop-ServiceFabricNode |
OBSOLETE. Stops a node in a Service Fabric cluster. |
Stop-ServiceFabricRepairTask |
Cancels a repair task. |
Stop-ServiceFabricTestCommand |
Cancels a running Service Fabric fault operation. |
Test-ServiceFabricApplication |
Validates the health and availability of a Service Fabric application. |
Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage |
Validates a Service Fabric application package. |
Test-ServiceFabricClusterConnection |
Checks and confirms that you are connected to a Service Fabric cluster. |
Test-ServiceFabricClusterManifest |
Validates a Service Fabric cluster manifest. |
Test-ServiceFabricConfiguration |
Validates cluster configuration and tests whether standalone deployment can succeed. |
Test-ServiceFabricService |
Validates the health and availability of a Service Fabric service. |
Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType |
Unregisters a Service Fabric application type. |
Unregister-ServiceFabricClusterPackage |
Unregisters Service Fabric runtime installation version and/or cluster manifest version from the cluster. |
Update-ServiceFabricApplication |
Updates or removes application capacity. |
Update-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade |
Modifies the upgrade description of an active Application upgrade. |
Update-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade |
Modifies the upgrade description of an active Cluster upgrade. |
Update-ServiceFabricNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Update-ServiceFabricNodeConfiguration |
Updates a Service Fabric cluster configuration. |
Update-ServiceFabricPartitionLoad |
Updates loads of specified Service Fabric partitions. |
Update-ServiceFabricRepairTaskHealthPolicy |
Updates the health policy of a repair task. |
Update-ServiceFabricService |
Updates a Service Fabric service. |
Update-ServiceFabricServiceGroup |
Updates a Service Fabric service group. |