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Procedura: accedere e leggere le informazioni eventi

Quando si acquisisce l'istanza di un evento da una query eventi o da una sottoscrizione, è possibile leggere il valore delle proprietà relative all'evento. A tale scopo, acquisire la rappresentazione XML dell'evento o specificare il nome della proprietà da leggere.

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'esecuzione di query per gli eventi, vedere Procedura: eseguire query per eventi. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla sottoscrizione di eventi, vedere Procedura: sottoscrivere gli eventi in un registro eventi.



Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito vengono eseguite query per tutti gli eventi di livello 2 nel registro applicazioni, quindi viene visualizzata la rappresentazione XML per ciascun evento. Ciascuna istanza di evento restituita dalla query eventi è rappresentata da un'istanza di un oggettoEventRecord. Il metodo ToXml viene chiamato per acquisire la rappresentazione XML dell'evento.


Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader
Imports System.Xml

Public Class ReadEventXmlExample

    Public Overloads Shared Function Main( _
    ByVal args() As String) As Integer

        Dim logName As String = "Application"
        Dim queryString As String = "*[System/Level=2]"

        Dim eventsQuery As New EventLogQuery(logName, _
            PathType.LogName, queryString)

        Dim logReader As EventLogReader
        Console.WriteLine("Querying the Application channel event log for all events...")

            ' Query the log and create a stream of selected events
            logReader = New EventLogReader(eventsQuery)

        Catch e As EventLogNotFoundException

            Console.WriteLine("Failed to query the log!")
            Return 1
        End Try

        Dim numberOfEvents As Integer = 0

        ' For each event returned from the query
        Dim eventInstance As EventRecord = logReader.ReadEvent()
        While Not eventInstance Is Nothing

            Dim eventXml As String = eventInstance.ToXml()
            Console.WriteLine("Event " & (++numberOfEvents) & " : " & _
                System.Environment.NewLine & eventXml)
            eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent()
        End While

    End Function
End Class
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
using System.Xml;

class ReadEventXmlExample
    static void Main(string[] args)
        String logName = "Application";
        String queryString = "*[System/Level=2]";

        EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(logName,
            PathType.LogName, queryString);

        EventLogReader logReader;
        Console.WriteLine("Querying the Application channel event log for all events...");
            // Query the log and create a stream of selected events
            logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery);
        catch (EventLogNotFoundException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to query the log!");

        int numberOfEvents = 0;
        // For each event returned from the query
        for (EventRecord eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent();
                eventInstance != null;
                eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent())
            String eventXml = eventInstance.ToXml();
            Console.WriteLine("Event " + (++numberOfEvents) + " : " + System.Environment.NewLine + eventXml);

Compilazione del codice

Per questo esempio di codice sono necessari riferimenti ai file System.dll e System.Core.dll.



Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene utilizzata la classe EventLogPropertySelector per eseguire il rendering di un'istanza di evento come un elenco di valori specificati. I valori specificati indicano l'utente che ha registrato l'evento, l'ora di creazione dell'evento, l'identificatore dell'evento e l'identificatore del record eventi.


Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader

Public Class ReadEventValuesExample

    Public Shared Function Main( _
    ByVal args() As String) As Integer

        Dim logName As String = "Application"
        Dim queryString As String = "*[System/Level=2]"

        Dim eventsQuery As New EventLogQuery(logName, _
            PathType.LogName, queryString)

        Dim logReader As EventLogReader
        Console.WriteLine("Querying the Application channel event log for all events...")

            ' Query the log
            logReader = New EventLogReader(eventsQuery)

        Catch e As EventLogNotFoundException

            Console.WriteLine("Failed to query the log!")
            Return 1
        End Try

        ' This section creates a list of XPath reference strings to select
        ' the properties that we want to display
        ' In this example, we will extract the User, TimeCreated, EventID and EventRecordID
        ' Array of strings containing XPath references
        Dim xPathRefs(3) As String
        xPathRefs(0) = "Event/System/Security/@UserID"
        xPathRefs(1) = "Event/System/TimeCreated/@SystemTime"
        xPathRefs(2) = "Event/System/EventID"
        xPathRefs(3) = "Event/System/EventRecordID"

        ' Place those strings in an IEnumberable object
        Dim xPathEnum As IEnumerable(Of String) = xPathRefs
        ' Create the property selection context using the XPath reference
        Dim logPropertyContext As New EventLogPropertySelector(xPathEnum)

        Dim numberOfEvents As Integer = 0

        ' For each event returned from the query
        Dim eventInstance As EventLogRecord = logReader.ReadEvent()
        While Not eventInstance Is Nothing
            Dim logEventProps As IList(Of Object)

                ' Cast the EventRecord into an EventLogRecord to retrieve property values.
                ' This will fetch the event properties we requested through the
                ' context created by the EventLogPropertySelector
                logEventProps = eventInstance.GetPropertyValues(logPropertyContext)
                Console.WriteLine("Event {0} :", ++numberOfEvents)
                Console.WriteLine("User: {0}", logEventProps(0))
                Console.WriteLine("TimeCreated: {0}", logEventProps(1))
                Console.WriteLine("EventID: {0}", logEventProps(2))
                Console.WriteLine("EventRecordID : {0}", logEventProps(3))

                ' Event properties can also be retrived through the event instance
                Console.WriteLine("Event Description:" + eventInstance.FormatDescription())
                Console.WriteLine("MachineName: " + eventInstance.MachineName)

            Catch e As Eventing.Reader.EventLogException
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't render event!")
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: Event {0} may not have an XML representation \n\n", ++numberOfEvents)
            End Try

            eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent()
        End While
    End Function
End Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;

class ReadEventValuesExample
    static void Main(string[] args)
        String logName = "Application";
        String queryString = "*[System/Level=2]";

        EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(logName,
            PathType.LogName, queryString);

        EventLogReader logReader;
        Console.WriteLine("Querying the Application channel event log for all events...");
            // Query the log
            logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery);
        catch (EventLogNotFoundException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to query the log!");

        // This section creates a list of XPath reference strings to select
        // the properties that we want to display
        // In this example, we will extract the User, TimeCreated, EventID and EventRecordID
        // Array of strings containing XPath references
        String[] xPathRefs = new String[4];
        xPathRefs[0] = "Event/System/Security/@UserID";
        xPathRefs[1] = "Event/System/TimeCreated/@SystemTime";
        xPathRefs[2] = "Event/System/EventID";
        xPathRefs[3] = "Event/System/EventRecordID";
        // Place those strings in an IEnumberable object
        IEnumerable<String> xPathEnum = xPathRefs;
        // Create the property selection context using the XPath reference
        EventLogPropertySelector logPropertyContext = new EventLogPropertySelector(xPathEnum);

        int numberOfEvents = 0;
        // For each event returned from the query
        for (EventRecord eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent();
                eventInstance != null;
                eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent())
            IList<object> logEventProps;
                // Cast the EventRecord into an EventLogRecord to retrieve property values.
                // This will fetch the event properties we requested through the
                // context created by the EventLogPropertySelector
                logEventProps = ((EventLogRecord)eventInstance).GetPropertyValues(logPropertyContext);
                Console.WriteLine("Event {0} :", ++numberOfEvents);
                Console.WriteLine("User: {0}", logEventProps[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("TimeCreated: {0}", logEventProps[1]);
                Console.WriteLine("EventID: {0}", logEventProps[2]);
                Console.WriteLine("EventRecordID : {0}", logEventProps[3]);

                // Event properties can also be retrived through the event instance
                Console.WriteLine("Event Description:" + eventInstance.FormatDescription());
                Console.WriteLine("MachineName: " + eventInstance.MachineName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't render event!");
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: Event {0} may not have an XML representation \n\n", ++numberOfEvents);

Compilazione del codice

Per questo esempio sono necessari riferimenti ai file System.dll e System.Core.dll.

Vedere anche


Scenari di registri eventi

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