SdkMessage entity privileges
Si applica a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
The following table lists the default privileges for the SdkMessage entity.
Privilege name | GUID | entity | Entity type code(s) | Basic depth (B) | Local depth (L) | Deep depth (D) | Global Depth (G) | Corresponding Access Right | CEO-Business Manager | Vice President of Sales | Sales Manager | Salesperson | Customer Service Representative | CSR Manager | Marketing Professional | System Administrator | Schedule Manager | Vice President of Marketing | Marketing Manager | Scheduler | System Customizer | Delegate | Support User |
prvCreateSdkMessage |
{303DEF1C-947C-4af3-A63B-406A7ABC72DE} |
SdkMessage |
4606;4607;4609;4610;4611;4613;4614 |
x |
G |
G |
prvDeleteSdkMessage |
{8F9B0745-2842-45b6-A306-EAB47F138C7A} |
SdkMessage |
4606;4607;4609;4610;4611;4613;4614 |
x |
G |
G |
prvReadSdkMessage |
{94C3AC2C-EB23-41cb-A903-4E2E49E910B4} |
SdkMessage |
4606;4607;4609;4610;4611;4613;4614 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
prvWriteSdkMessage |
{6EBC7C4C-FDE7-424c-842E-11651498A9B3} |
SdkMessage |
4606;4607;4609;4610;4611;4613;4614 |
x |
G |
G |
Vedere anche
Metodi e messaggi dell'entità SdkMessage
Entità di registrazione plug-in
Altre risorse
Privilegi per entità
Security role and privilege reference
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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