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Ball Filter Sample

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

Ball Filter Sample

The Ball Filter is a video source filter that produces an image of a bouncing ball. This sample illustrates format negotiation and the use of the source filter base classes CSource and CSourceStream.

This sample is included with the Windows SDK. It is located under the following path: [SDK Root]\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\Filters\Ball.

User's Guide

The code in Fball.h and Fball.cpp manages the filter interfaces. Those two files contain approximately the minimum code required for a source filter. The Ball.h and Ball.cpp files contain the code that bounces the ball.

This filter has a single output pin, which provides a video stream that shows a ball bouncing around in the frame. The Ball filter also accepts quality management requests from the downstream filter, which illustrates a simple quality management strategy. This filter implements the IQualityControl interface for that purpose.

See Also