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DirectShow Structures

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

DirectShow Structures

This section describes the Microsoft® DirectShow® structures.

Structure Description
ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES Contains the allocator's count, size, alignment, and prefix properties.
AMCOPPCommand Contains a COPP command.
AMCOPPSignature Contains the signature to initiate a Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP) session.
AMCOPPStatusInput Contains a COPP status request.
AMCOPPStatusOutput Contains the result of a COPP status request.
AM_MEDIA_TYPE Describes a media type.
AM_MPEGSTREAMTYPE Defines the subtype of an MPEG1 elementary stream.
AM_MPEGSYSTEMTYPE Defines the format block contents for data of type MEDIATYPE_MPEG1System when the format block GUID is FORMAT_MPEG_1System.
AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES Describes the properties of a generic media sample.
AM_STREAM_INFO Contains start and stop information given to a pin.
AM_WMT_EVENT_DATA Contains information pertaining to a WMT_STATUS event and the associated status code returned by the Windows Media Format SDK.
AM_WST_PAGE Describes a page of WST text.
AMOVIESETUP_FILTER Contains filter information for registering a filter.
AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE Contains media type information for registering a filter.
AMOVIESETUP_PIN Contains pin information for registering a filter.
AMVABeginFrameInfo Specifies information needed to begin processing the frame.
AMVABUFFERINFO Describes buffer information.
AMVACompBufferInfo Describes the allocated surfaces and compressed buffer information.
AMVAEndFrameInfo Specifies information to finish processing the frame.
AMVAInternalMemInfo Specifies the amount of scratch memory the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) will allocate for its private use.
AMVAUncompBufferInfo Describes the surfaces to be allocated.
AMVAUncompDataInfo Specifies the pixel format and dimensional characteristics of the data input stream.
AMVPDATAINFO Specifies the data-specific characteristics of the VP input stream.
AMVPDIMINFO Specifies the dimensional characteristics of the VP input stream.
AMVPSIZE Specifies the width and height for a VP image.
ANALOGVIDEOINFO Maintains information about the format of the analog video signal.
AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS Contains information about all possible audio formats supported.
AVIMAINHEADER Defines global information in an AVI file.
AVIOLDINDEX Describes an AVI 1.0 index ('idx1' format).
AVIPALCHANGE Defines a palette change in an AVI file.
AVISTREAMHEADER Contains information about one stream in an AVI file.
BITMAPINFOHEADER Contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
CodecAPIEventData Describes the event data that an encoder forwards along with an EC_CODECAPI_EVENT event.
COLORKEY Communicates color key information between the renderer and another filter.
DVINFO Describes the format of a digital video (DV) stream.
FILTER_INFO Contains information about a filter.
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM Describes the size and count of variable-length properties on kernel-mode pins.
KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION Describes a node connection within a kernel streaming (KS) filter.
MPEG1VIDEOINFO Defines the format of MPEG-1 video data.
MPEG1WAVEFORMAT Defines the format of MPEG-1 audio data.
MPEG2_TRANSPORT_STRIDE Describes the format of MPEG-2 transport stream (TS) packets.
MPEG2VIDEOINFO Contains additional MPEG-2 video system information.
MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT Describes an MPEG Audio Layer-3 (MP3) audio format.
PERFINFO_DSHOW_AVREND Data for a trace event of type GUID_VIDEOREND.
PID_MAP Identifies the contents of an MPEG-2 transport stream packet ID.
PIN_INFO Contains information about a pin.
Quality Defines a quality-control message.
REGFILTER2 Describes a filter for registration through the IFilterMapper2 interface.
REGFILTERPINS Contains pin information for registering a filter.
REGFILTERPINS2 Contains information for registering a filter through the IFilterMapper2 interface.
REGPINMEDIUM Describes a pin medium for registration through the IFilterMapper2 interface.
REGPINTYPES Contains media type information for registering a filter.
STREAM_ID_MAP Contains information about an elementary stream within an MPEG-2 program stream.
TIMECODE Contains basic timecode frame count information.
TIMECODE_SAMPLE Contains complete timecode information.
TRUECOLORINFO Maintains color information.
VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS Contains information about possible connections.
VIDEOINFO Contains information that specifies a video image and its color palette and bitmasks.
VIDEOINFOHEADER Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image.
VIDEOINFOHEADER2 Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image, including interlace , copy protection, and pixel aspect ratio information.
WAVEFORMATEX Defines the format of waveform-audio data.
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Defines the format of waveform-audio data for formats having more than two channels.

The following structures relate to DVD navigation and playback:

Structure Description
AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS Contains codes indicating the status of DVD-Video playback.
DVD_DECODER_CAPS Contains information about the audio decoder's capabilities.
DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE Contains timecode information.
DVD_KaraokeAttributes Contains information about karaoke audio streams on a DVD disc.
DVD_MenuAttributes Contains information about the menus on a DVD disc.
DVD_MUA_Coeff Contains information about surround sound mixing coefficients for multichannel audio on DVD.
DVD_MUA_MixingInfo Contains information about surround sound mixing information on a DVD disc.
DVD_MultichannelAudioAttributes Contains information about multichannel audio streams on a DVD disc.
DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION Contains the DVD playback location.
DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION2 Contains the DVD playback location.
DVD_SubpictureAttributes Contains information about a subpicture stream on a DVD disc.
DVD_TIMECODE Contains DVD timecode in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.
DVD_TitleAttributes Contains information about a title on a DVD disc.
DVD_VideoAttributes Contains information about the video stream on a DVD disc.

The following structures are used with the Video Mixing Renderer Filter 7. These structures are available only on Microsoft® Windows® XP.

Structure Description
DDCOLORKEY Describes a color key as a range of values.
NORMALIZEDRECT Specifies the location of a video rectangle in composition space.
VMRALLOCATIONINFO Used to allocate a new bitmap surface by the AllocateSurface method.
VMRALPHABITMAP Provides a static alpha-blended bitmap to be displayed on the composited video frame supplied by the GetAlphaBitmapParameters method on the IVMRMixerBitmap interface.
VMRGUID Used to identify a monitor on the system.
VMRMONITORINFO Used to set and retrieve information about monitors on the system.
VMRPRESENTATIONINFO Used to present video frame information.
VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO Contains video stream information that is used in the Video Mixing Renderer filter call to the IVMRImageCompositor::CompositeImage method.

The following structures are used with the Video Mixing Renderer Filter 9.

Structure Description
DDCOLORKEY Describes a color key as a range of values.
VMR9AllocationInfo Used to allocate a new bitmap surface by the AllocateSurface method.
VMR9AlphaBitmap Provides a static alpha-blended bitmap to be displayed on the composited video frame supplied by the GetAlphaBitmapParameters method on the IVMRMixerBitmap9 interface.
VMR9DeinterlaceCaps Describes the capabilities of a deinterlacing mode.
VMR9Frequency Describes the frequency of a video stream.
VMR9MonitorInfo Used to set and retrieve information about monitors on the system.
VMR9NormalizedRect Used to specify or retrieve the location of a video rectangle in composition space.
VMR9PresentationInfo Used to present video frame information.
VMR9ProcAmpControl Specifies the image adjustments to be performed on a video stream.
VMR9ProcAmpControlRange Specifies the valid range for an image adjustment property.
VMR9VideoDesc Sescribes a video stream to be deinterlaced.
VMR9VideoStreamInfo Contains video stream information that is used by the VMR-9.