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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


The DisplayFrame method displays a decoded frame.


  HRESULT DisplayFrame(
  DWORD dwFlipToIndex,
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample



[in] The surface index of the decompressed frame to display.


[in] Pointer to an IMediaSample interface containing start and stop time stamps.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. HRESULT can include one of the following standard constants, or other values not listed.

Return code Description
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Argument is invalid.
E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
S_OK Success.


It is only valid to call this method after all pins are connected. This call is blocking — it does not return until the video renderer has finished using the video frame.

The video decoder invokes this method after calling IAMVideoAccelerator::EndFrame for the surface whose index is dwFlipToIndex. This index must have previously been the value of the dwDestSurfaceIndex member in the AMVABeginFrameInfo structure passed in a call to IAMVideoAccelerator::BeginFrame.


Header: Include videoacc.h.

Library: Use Strmiids.lib.

See Also