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How to: Delete Comments By All or a Specific Author in a Word Processing Document

This topic shows how to use the classes in the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office to programmatically delete comments by all or a specific author in a word processing document, without having to load the document into Microsoft Word. It contains an example DeleteComments method to illustrate this task.

Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | PowerPoint 2010 | Word 2010

In this article
DeleteComments Method
Calling the DeleteComments Method
How the Code Works
Creating the List of Comments
Deleting Comments and Saving the Part
Deleting Comment References in the Document
Sample Code

To use the sample code in this topic, you must install the Open XML SDK 2.0. You must explicitly reference the following assemblies in your project:

  • WindowsBase

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml (installed by the Open XML SDK)

You must also use the following using directives or Imports statements to compile the code in this topic.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing

DeleteComments Method

You can use the DeleteComments method to delete all of the comments from a word processing document, or only those written by a specific author. As shown in the following code, the method accepts two parameters that indicate the name of the document to modify (string) and, optionally, the name of the author whose comments you want to delete (string). If you supply an author name, the code deletes comments written by the specified author. If you do not supply an author name, the code deletes all comments.

// Delete comments by a specific author. Pass an empty string for the 
// author to delete all comments, by all authors.
public static void DeleteComments(string fileName, 
    string author = "")
' Delete comments by a specific author. Pass an empty string for the author 
' to delete all comments, by all authors.
Public Sub DeleteComments(ByVal fileName As String,
    Optional ByVal author As String = "")

Calling the DeleteComments Method

To call the DeleteComments method, provide the required parameters as shown in the following code.

"David Jones");
"David Jones")

How the Code Works

The following code starts by opening the document, using the WordprocessingDocument.Open method and indicating that the document should be open for read/write access (the final true parameter value). Next, the code retrieves a reference to the comments part, using the WordprocessingCommentsPart property of the main document part, after having retrieved a reference to the main document part from the MainDocumentPart property of the word processing document. If the comments part is missing, there is no point in proceeding, as there cannot be any comments to delete.

// Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
using (WordprocessingDocument document =
  WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
    // Set commentPart to the document WordprocessingCommentsPart, 
    // if it exists.
    WordprocessingCommentsPart commentPart =

    // If no WordprocessingCommentsPart exists, there can be no 
    // comments. Stop execution and return from the method.
    if (commentPart == null)
    // Code removed here…
' Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
Using document As WordprocessingDocument =
    WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, True)
    ' Set commentPart to the document 
    ' WordprocessingCommentsPart, if it exists.
    Dim commentPart As WordprocessingCommentsPart =

    ' If no WordprocessingCommentsPart exists, there can be no
    ' comments. Stop execution and return from the method.
    If (commentPart Is Nothing) Then
    End If
    ' Code removed here…
End Using

Creating the List of Comments

The code next performs two tasks: creating a list of all the comments to delete, and creating a list of comment IDs that correspond to the comments to delete. Given these lists, the code can both delete the comments from the comments part that contains the comments, and delete the references to the comments from the document part.The following code starts by retrieving a list of Comment elements. To retrieve the list, it converts the Elements collection exposed by the commentPart variable into a list of Comment objects.

List<Comment> commentsToDelete =
Dim commentsToDelete As List(Of Comment) = _
    commentPart.Comments.Elements(Of Comment)().ToList()

So far, the list of comments contains all of the comments. If the author parameter is not an empty string, the following code limits the list to only those comments where the Author property matches the parameter you supplied.

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
    commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.
    Where(c => c.Author == author).ToList();
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(author) Then
    commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.
    Where(Function(c) c.Author = author).ToList()
End If

Before deleting any comments, the code retrieves a list of comments ID values, so that it can later delete matching elements from the document part. The call to the Select method effectively projects the list of comments, retrieving an IEnumerable<T> of strings that contain all the comment ID values.

IEnumerable<string> commentIds = 
    commentsToDelete.Select(r => r.Id.Value);
Dim commentIds As IEnumerable(Of String) =
    commentsToDelete.Select(Function(r) r.Id.Value)

Deleting Comments and Saving the Part

Given the commentsToDelete collection, to the following code loops through all the comments that require deleting and performs the deletion. The code then saves the comments part.

// Delete each comment in commentToDelete from the 
// Comments collection.
foreach (Comment c in commentsToDelete)

// Save the comment part changes.
' Delete each comment in commentToDelete from the Comments 
' collection.
For Each c As Comment In commentsToDelete

' Save the comment part changes.

Deleting Comment References in the Document

Although the code has successfully removed all the comments by this point, that is not enough. The code must also remove references to the comments from the document part. This action requires three steps because the comment reference includes the CommentRangeStart, CommentRangeEnd, and CommentReference elements, and the code must remove all three for each comment. Before performing any deletions, the code first retrieves a reference to the root element of the main document part, as shown in the following code.

Document doc = document.MainDocumentPart.Document;
Dim doc As Document = document.MainDocumentPart.Document

Given a reference to the document element, the following code performs its deletion loop three times, once for each of the different elements it must delete. In each case, the code looks for all descendants of the correct type (CommentRangeStart, CommentRangeEnd, or CommentReference) and limits the list to those whose Id property value is contained in the list of comment IDs to be deleted. Given the list of elements to be deleted, the code removes each element in turn. Finally, the code completes by saving the document.

// Delete CommentRangeStart for each
// deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentRangeStart> commentRangeStartToDelete =
    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentRangeStart c in commentRangeStartToDelete)

// Delete CommentRangeEnd for each deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentRangeEnd> commentRangeEndToDelete =
    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentRangeEnd c in commentRangeEndToDelete)

// Delete CommentReference for each deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentReference> commentRangeReferenceToDelete =
    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentReference c in commentRangeReferenceToDelete)

// Save changes back to the MainDocumentPart part.
' Delete CommentRangeStart for each 
' deleted comment in the main document.
Dim commentRangeStartToDelete As List(Of CommentRangeStart) = _
    doc.Descendants(Of CommentRangeStart). _
    Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList()
For Each c As CommentRangeStart In commentRangeStartToDelete

' Delete CommentRangeEnd for each deleted comment in the main document.
Dim commentRangeEndToDelete As List(Of CommentRangeEnd) = _
    doc.Descendants(Of CommentRangeEnd). _
    Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList()
For Each c As CommentRangeEnd In commentRangeEndToDelete

' Delete CommentReference for each deleted comment in the main document.
Dim commentRangeReferenceToDelete As List(Of CommentReference) = _
    doc.Descendants(Of CommentReference). _
    Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList
For Each c As CommentReference In commentRangeReferenceToDelete

' Save changes back to the MainDocumentPart part.

Sample Code

The following is the complete code sample in both C# and Visual Basic.

// Delete comments by a specific author. Pass an empty string for the 
// author to delete all comments, by all authors.
public static void DeleteComments(string fileName, 
    string author = "")
    // Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
    using (WordprocessingDocument document =
        WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
        // Set commentPart to the document WordprocessingCommentsPart, 
        // if it exists.
        WordprocessingCommentsPart commentPart =

        // If no WordprocessingCommentsPart exists, there can be no 
        // comments. Stop execution and return from the method.
        if (commentPart == null)

        // Create a list of comments by the specified author, or
        // if the author name is empty, all authors.
        List<Comment> commentsToDelete =
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
            commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.
            Where(c => c.Author == author).ToList();
        IEnumerable<string> commentIds =
            commentsToDelete.Select(r => r.Id.Value);

        // Delete each comment in commentToDelete from the 
        // Comments collection.
        foreach (Comment c in commentsToDelete)

        // Save the comment part change.

        Document doc = document.MainDocumentPart.Document;

        // Delete CommentRangeStart for each
        // deleted comment in the main document.
        List<CommentRangeStart> commentRangeStartToDelete =
            Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
        foreach (CommentRangeStart c in commentRangeStartToDelete)

        // Delete CommentRangeEnd for each deleted comment in the main document.
        List<CommentRangeEnd> commentRangeEndToDelete =
            Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
        foreach (CommentRangeEnd c in commentRangeEndToDelete)

        // Delete CommentReference for each deleted comment in the main document.
        List<CommentReference> commentRangeReferenceToDelete =
            Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
        foreach (CommentReference c in commentRangeReferenceToDelete)

        // Save changes back to the MainDocumentPart part.
' Delete comments by a specific author. Pass an empty string for the author 
' to delete all comments, by all authors.
Public Sub DeleteComments(ByVal fileName As String,
    Optional ByVal author As String = "")

    ' Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
    Using document As WordprocessingDocument =
        WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, True)
        ' Set commentPart to the document 
        ' WordprocessingCommentsPart, if it exists.
        Dim commentPart As WordprocessingCommentsPart =

        ' If no WordprocessingCommentsPart exists, there can be no
        ' comments. Stop execution and return from the method.
        If (commentPart Is Nothing) Then
        End If

        ' Create a list of comments by the specified author, or
        ' if the author name is empty, all authors.
        Dim commentsToDelete As List(Of Comment) = _
            commentPart.Comments.Elements(Of Comment)().ToList()
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(author) Then
            commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.
            Where(Function(c) c.Author = author).ToList()
        End If
        Dim commentIds As IEnumerable(Of String) =
            commentsToDelete.Select(Function(r) r.Id.Value)

        ' Delete each comment in commentToDelete from the Comments 
        ' collection.
        For Each c As Comment In commentsToDelete

        ' Save the comment part change.

        Dim doc As Document = document.MainDocumentPart.Document

        ' Delete CommentRangeStart for each 
        ' deleted comment in the main document.
        Dim commentRangeStartToDelete As List(Of CommentRangeStart) = _
            doc.Descendants(Of CommentRangeStart). _
            Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList()
        For Each c As CommentRangeStart In commentRangeStartToDelete

        ' Delete CommentRangeEnd for each deleted comment in main document.
        Dim commentRangeEndToDelete As List(Of CommentRangeEnd) = _
            doc.Descendants(Of CommentRangeEnd). _
            Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList()
        For Each c As CommentRangeEnd In commentRangeEndToDelete

        ' Delete CommentReference for each deleted comment in the main document.
        Dim commentRangeReferenceToDelete As List(Of CommentReference) = _
            doc.Descendants(Of CommentReference). _
            Where(Function(c) commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList
        For Each c As CommentReference In commentRangeReferenceToDelete

        ' Save changes back to the MainDocumentPart part.
    End Using
End Sub

See Also


Class Library Reference

Other Resources

Deleting Comments By All Authors or Specific Authors in Word 2010 Documents by Using the Open XML SDK 2.0