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LongRunningOperationStatus Members

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Include Inherited Members

Represents the status of the job that is currently running.

The LongRunningOperationStatus type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ErrorsEncountered Gets an XML string that contains a list of all errors encountered.
Public property GearsImageUrl Gets the image to use on the progress page.
Public property HasTimedOut Gets whether this job has timed out.
Public property IsActive Gets whether the job currently running is active.
Public property JobId Gets the ID of the job that is currently running.
Public property LastUpdated Gets the time, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, when the status of this long-running operation was last updated.
Public property NavigateWhenDoneUrl Gets the URL to navigate to after the job completes successfully.
Public property OperationsPerformed Gets a value that represents the total number of operations that can be performed.
Public property OriginalJobId Gets the original identifier (ID) of the job that was retried.
Public property PreviousJobId Gets the ID of the job that ran previously and failed.
Public property RedirectWhenFinished Gets a value that indicates whether to redirect to a different page when the job is finished.
Public property RetryInformation Gets information about the failure of a job to be used in a retry operation.
Public property Retryhref Gets the URL to navigate to if a failure occurs.
Public property ShouldBePurged Gets a value that indicates whether or not a job should be purged.
Public property Started Gets the time, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, when this long-running operation started.
Public property Status Gets the job status.
Public property StatusAsString Gets the job status as a string.
Public property StatusDescription Gets the description of job status.
Public property SuccessesEncountered Gets the list of success events that were encountered during this operation.
Public property Title Returns the name of the long-running operation that was initiated.
Public property TotalOperationsToBePerformed Gets a value that represents the total number of operations that can be performed.
Public property TypeOfOperation Gets or sets the type of operation (move, copy, delete, spawn, or generic), for easy retrieval.
Public property UserCanCancel Gets a value that indicates if the user can cancel the job that is currently running.
Public property UserId Gets the name of the user who initiated this job.
Public property UserRequestedCancel Gets whether the user requested that the job be canceled.
Public property WaitMessage Gets the wait message displayed to the user.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetAllJobs Gets a LongRunningOperationStatus for each of the entries in the top-level Web site's long-running operation status list.
Public methodStatic member GetAllJobsForCurrentUser Determines whether there are jobs initiated by a user that were terminated due to failures.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetJob Instantiates a new LongRunningOperationStatus list and populates it with the most current status information.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member PurgeOldEntries Removes status bucket entries from the LongRunningOperationStatus list at the top-level Web site.
Public method Remove Removes status information about this job from the database.
Public method RequestCancel Requests cancellation of the job that is currently running.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


LongRunningOperationStatus Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing Namespace