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Output Stream Manipulators with One Argument (int or long)

The iostream class library provides a set of macros for creating parameterized manipulators. Manipulators with a single int or long argument are a special case. To create an output stream manipulator that accepts a single int or long argument (like setw), you must use the _Smanip macro, which is defined in <iomanip>. This example defines a fillblank manipulator that inserts a specified number of blanks into the stream:


// output_stream_manip.cpp
// compile with: /GR /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void fb( ios_base& os, int l )
   ostream *pos = dynamic_cast<ostream*>(&os);
   if (pos)
      for( int i=0; i < l; i++ )
      (*pos) << ' ';

   __cdecl fillblank(int no)
   return (_Smanip<int>(&fb, no));

int main( )
   cout << "10 blanks follow" << fillblank( 10 ) << ".\n";

See Also


Custom Manipulators with Arguments